Pagi tadi, saya bersembang dengan seorang rakan, x-anggota TUDM daripada Cawangan Trafik Udara. Saya bertanyakan sama ada beliau telah mendapat PJM. Beliau memaklumkan yang beliau tidak berminat dengan pingat tersebut walau pun rakan sejawatnya pernah mencadangkan agar memohon semasa pingat itu mula diperkenalkan. Itu hak beliau...Tiada masalah kalau tak mahu. Saya memberitahu beliau bahawa saya mahukan PJM dan setelah 1 tahun menunggu, akhir tersemat juga di dada kiri pada April 2011. Saya berbangga dengan '...DI ATAS SIFAT KEPERWIRAAN, KEBERANIAN, PENGORBANAN DAN KESETIAAN DALAM MEMPERTAHANKAN KEDAULATAN NEGARA SEMASA TEMPOH DARURAT'
Untuk makluman, isu pemakaian PJM telah dibincang oleh penggubal undang-undang di Parlimen England. Perkara ini dibangkitkan kerana kerajaan London 'melarang' pemakaian pingat berkenaan sempena 'Rememberance Sunday', 13 November setiap tahun. Penerima-penerimanya tidak berpuas hati dengan larangan tersebut dan mereka melobi Ahli-Ahli Parlimen untuk membincangkan perkara ini. Akhirnya, kerajaan akur dengan desakan veteran darurat Malaysia.
Perkara ini dimaklumkan oleh Lt Kol Idris Hassan melalui e-mel berikut....
To: Idris Hassan
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2011 1:39 AM
Dear Idris,
I am pleased and proud to forward this email and the Hansard extract to you. It is good to see Parliamentary debate in its most positive form (Hansard makes good reading).
I have to mention, of course, that the British veterans holding the PJM and living in Malaysia have proudly worn the medal notwithstanding the previous (incongruous if not just downright silly) rules. As one senior British retired general remarked while visiting Malaysia during the 50th Merdeka celebrations, wearing the PJM, "they can't lock us all up in the Tower!".
Kind regards,
Dear Members,
This is a day for champagne corks to pop! We have at last won the right to wear our PJM medal and will be able to do so by Remembrance Sunday this year and thereafter without restriction. This has been a long campaign by many Associations, not just ours, and particularly the ‘Fight4thePJM’ campaign. But you have all played your part magnificently in lobbying our members of Parliament, Commons and Lords, and others, for this right and we have spent many hours doing so.
I attach above the Hansard extract that will show you the full debate in the House of Lords last night. In summary:
1. The debate was led by Lord Astor of Hever, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Defence, who opened by recognizing the various debates on the subject of medals are further evidence of the strength of feeling in both Houses on this important matter and acknowledged the conviction with which a number of noble Lords have pursued their concerns about the PJM.
2. The debate moved was that the Lords do not insist on its Amendment 6 to which the Commons disagreed. (This was an Amendment which, amongst other things proposed that we should wear the PJM without restriction but the Commons felt it went too far and when they rejected it the PJM proposal was rejected as part of that package).
3. Lord Astor recognized the concern in particular about whether, in advising Her Majesty on the acceptance and wearing of the PJM, the HD Committee made the right recommendation. He went on to make it clear what the Government will do in response to these concerns.
· First, there will be a fresh independent review of the rules governing the award of military medals.
· Then, on the question of the PJM, he the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, has already commissioned a an urgent HD paper recommending that holders of the medal be able to wear it with the approval of Her Majesty. He is confident to resolve the issue and to progress the matter swiftly so that the PJM can be worn on Remembrance Sunday this year [13 November 2011] and thereafter without restriction. This therefore is our green light.
The debate continued, focusing on practice and procedure and raising some issues that will interest many of you, but raising nothing that would jeopardize the Governments intention at 3 above. Read it for yourselves on the web also at this link:
Please do disseminate this message to all your Members as soon as possible in whatever way you deem fit. I will send a note to His Excellency the High Commissioner of Malaysia who will, I know, be delighted with this outcome.
I, and I am sure all of our Members, will toast this success this evening at dinner!
Yours aye
Tex Pemberton
Lieutenant Colonel Tex Pemberton OBE
National Malaya and Borneo Veterans Association
Apakah nilai PJM pada saya? Sungguh tinggi!! Mana tidaknya apabila melihat gambar dalam akhbar yang menunjukkan arwah Jeneral Tun Ibrahim bin Ismail (sebelum kembali ke rahmatullah) sanggup datang ke majlis penyampaian PJM oleh YB Menteri Pertahanan walau pun terpaksa datang dengan ambulan dan berkerusi roda. Inilah nilai PJM kepada seorang bergelar Tun, Jeneral & mantan PAT!! Bukankah sekurang-kurangnya ada juga satu persamaan di antara arwah Tun dengan mejer pencen ini...PJM. (Sayang sekali keratan akhbar tersebut telah hilang. Sesiapa yang ada menyimpan keratan tersebut, harap sudi e-melkan kepada saya).
Lt Kol Idris Hassan (B)....Terima kasih.
06 November...Terkini...
Berlandaskan kepada komen-komen terhadap coretan ini, sila klik di sini untuk mengetahui kelayakan bagi penganugerahan JPM.
BalasPadamThis just goes to show how much the British Veteran's value the PJM that they fought for 5 years to win the right to proudly wear this medal. You are right about our late General Tun Ibrahim bin Ismail, I was there at the Royal Malay Regiment club house where our Defense Minister presented the PJM to him. Yes he came in an army ambulance and was in fact carried down in a stretcher and then put on a wheel chair where he received the PJM. This is how much this medal meant to Tun Ibrahim. I hope all our servicemen will place the same importance on this medal which was indeed given to recognise the "SIFAT KEPERWIRAAN, KEBERANIAN, PENGORBANAN DAN KESETIAAN DALAM MEMPERTAHANKAN KEDAULATAN NEGARA SEMASA TEMPOH DARURAT"
BalasPadamTempoh masa darurat drp tahun berapa hingga tahun berapa? munkin saya terlupa lah,pada General Ibrahim saya pasti lah dia orang lama,tapi pada bekas2 TUDM,TD,TLDM yang lahir lepas darurat atau masuk tentera selepas darurat layak ke? ada yang tak bersara (berhenti satengah jalan pun layak ?)jangan lah asal ada pingat aje minta.....pada saya Mindef/kerajaan patut menilai pemberian pingat ini kepada bekas tentera yang layak sahaja,kaji balik rekod bertugas mereka,yang betul2 bertugas semasa "DARURAT" sahaja dianugerah, sebab itulah kita kena faham bila tarikh Darurat bermula dan berakhir,siapa yang layak recomand sahaja tak perlu meminta minta,jangan tunggu semasa nak mengundi sahaja asalkan bekas tentera minta beri,saya setuju kepada bekas TUDM ( ex ATC OFF)munkin dia tak tergulung drp anggota yang berkhidmat semasa DARURAT.
Kepada pemohon yang berminat cubalah analisa erti anugerah ini
BalasPadamdan renonglah diri sendiri "SIFAT KEPERWIRAAN, KEBERANIAN,PENGERBONAN DAN KESETIAAN DALAM MEMPERTAHANKAN KEDAULATAN NEGARA SEMASA TEMPOH DARURAT" bukan main2 punya statemant dan renong kembali.ATC dok kat mane bertugas? ops room,control tower di Base atau pun as BASO team di FWD LOC aje macam mana nak layak? atleast dia sedar diri dia dan ini juga termasuklah kapada yang lain2 kalau betul2 layak teruskan kalau tidak faham2 lah bawa diri, dimana anda semasa tempoh DARURAT dahulu.
Fikir2 lah.
kedua-dua comment diatas saya sokong. kita jangan seperti "masuk lift tekan button sendiri" he...he..he...
BalasPadamOrang pangkat bawahan masa darurat dulu memang tak berjasa ker?? Diaorang tak ada sifat keperwiraan dan tiada PENGORBANAN dan KESETIAAN koot.. pada negara semasa DARURAT???
Sdr Anonymous,
BalasPadamFor the benefit of all the Malayan Emergency started in 1948 with the killing of three British planters by the communist (tiga bintang). It finally came to an end three years after Merdeka in 1960. The Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation was from 1962–1966.The Pingat Jasa Malaysia (PJM) is a medal given by the King and Government of Malaysia. It was created in 2004 and is awarded to British and Commonwealth forces who served in Malaysia during the Malayan Emergency and the Malaysian-Indonesian Confrontation periods( Wikipedia). It was also later approved by our government to be given to qll officers of the MalaysianArmed Forces and I believe also to all soldiers/ Seamen/ and Airmen who served during this period. Of course "Orang pangkat bawahan masa darurat dulu memang banyak berjasa" Kalau bukan PENGORBANAN dan KESETIAAN orang bawahan sudah tentu kami tidak boleh menang perang ini".
The problem now is the delivery system of these medals which is taking a very long time. What Mindef should do is to check their records of all officers and servicemen who are eligible for the PJM and pass no the names and medals to all Brigade Commanders and Battalion Commanders in the various states to organise the issue by badges untill all have received the PJM. For those too old or sick then the medals should be delivered to their homes. The way we are going I am afraid many of our old soldiers will not be around to receive it because they may have ' kembali ke rahmatullah' No need for only VIP to give this medal as what is happening now.
As to your misplaced analogy of the lift 'kita jangan seperti "masuk lift tekan button sendiri" Of course if you masuk dalam lift you will have to tekan button sindiri other wise the lift will not move and you will not be going any where.
Terima kasih tuan Arunzab diatas penerangan yang saya anggap lengkap dengan erti kata Anggota yang berkhidmat hingga Dec1966 (salepas DARURAT dan Konfrantasi) sahaja yang layak dan mula berkhidmat Jan 1967 kirim salam lahkan.Saya rasa pegawai ATC (TUDM) betullah yang dia sedar diri dia tak layak sebab itulah dia tak minat lebeh2 lagi TUDM was Malaysianise selepas 1966( correct me if I'm wrong) kalau ada yang dapat pun munkin terlepas pandang agaknya or rezeki mereka.TQ
BalasPadamSaudara Semua,
BalasPadamTerima kasih. Sila baca coretan di Ia mencatatkan kelayakan untuk dianugerah PJM.
Thanks Sdr. Nor I stand corrected.
BalasPadamSalam AidilAdha dan salam sejahtera kepada semua.
BalasPadamSaya rasa apa yang menyakit hati kita semua yang layak menerima pingat PJM ialah cara pingat tersebut disampaikan kepada penerima-penerimanya! Soalan saya apa "permohonan pingat" yang diperlukan? Bukankah JHEV dan Jabatanarah Rekod Dan Pencen Markas ATM ada menyimpan rekod semua anggota ATM dan bekas ATM yang layak menerima pingat tersebut? Tak habis-habis dengan sikap gemar dengan kuasa serta mementingkan birokrasi oleh JHEV dan Mindef!
Seorang pesara yang saya sangat kenal telah bersara dari ATM hampir 20 tahun dahulu. Beliau seorang bekas panglima tetapi oleh sebab beliau belum memohon untuk mendapat pingat PJM dan Menteri Pertahanan dan Pengarah JHEV tidak ada rancangan "majlis politik" di kawasan tempat tinggal beliau, hingga hari ini pingat PJM tidak sampai ketangannya. Begitu juga beratus-ratus bekas kopral, sjn, pegawai waran, kapt, mejar hinggalah pegawai satu,dua, tiga dan empat bintang yang menunggu PJM mereka.
Mungkin Menteri Pertahanan dan KP JHEV dapat menyerahkan pingat hak mereka ini di tanah perkuburan sebelum mereka disemadikan nanti, insyaAllah.
Saya sangat malu dengan kerajaan yang kita pilih. Alasan "tidak cukup peruntukan" untuk membelanja membayar satu "pingat perkhidmatan dan keberanian kepada negara" adalah satu "helah yang tak masuk akal sama sekali"!
I hope PM Dato Sri Najib takes charge and puts a stop to this nonsense and pitiful state of affair which has been dragging far too long! Rakyat didahulukan dan pencapaian diutamakan???
Sdr Taming....memang tidak danafikakan kata2 tuan itu...apa yang susah sangat munkin nak tunggu majlis politik kan! dgn itu saya harap kepada semua anggota yang layak buat sembahyang hajat supaya ada ADUN2 yang meninggal dunia ha ha ha,masa bye-lection sah program ini di ketengahkan.TQ
BalasPadamMemang saya tunggu tunggu nak hentam 'the authorities that be' berkenaan PJM ni.Ada ke kena register untuk pingat ni. Sorry lah not that hard up,although I qualified.
BalasPadamEven PPA dulu ta' payah register. Ejutan buat, keluar Part 2 orders dah boleh pakai.
Betul Taming dan Veteran ATM cakap. They know where we are.
Kenapa mesti tunggu medal siap atau budget cukup? Apa salahnya kalau siapa yang layak tu dapat surat anugerah pingat ini yang di sain oleh PTD/PTU/PTL.
Dalam surat tu kata lah bahawa akan di hubong untuk mendapatkan medal tu apabila bekalan siap.
Bagi saya surat tu pun memadai.Medal datang selapas di kebumikan pun ta'apa, itu untuk kenangan anak.
Alaaahai, apa yang susah benar!!!
depa sedia maklum x service merupakan fix deposit pilihan raya pemerintah. Buatlah apapun x akan tetap pangkat depa.
BalasPadamTuan nor, bila pulak soldadu yg menentang kominis semasa zaman insurgensi nak dapt durian runtuh dari pemerintah seperti mana Special Constable, home guards, extra Police dan polis zaman darurat dapat RM 3000.00.
Kita pun lawan kominis juga.
Sdr Anonymous 10/11,dimana sdr dpt statistic yang X service fix deposit pilihan raya pemerentah? gone for the days bro.....zaman penipuan undi pos telah berlalu,kita akan lihat PRU 13 nanti ok,don't be over confident men.TQ