From: nor ibrahim sulaiman
To: sidek ksn
Cc: Dato' Zahid hamidi; Minister of Def; Dato Abu Bakar JPA; KSU KEMENTAH; Tan Sri Azizan; Datuk Azizah Abod; Datuk Siti Azizah Abod; PTD; PTU; KP Veteran; Dato' Basaruddin JPA; Datuk Wan Hamidah; Zureen bin Zubir
Sent: Wednesday, 8 December 2010 5:52:32
Subject: Elaun Untuk Penerima JPP, PTU & KPK
Maaf saya katakan bahawa pada tanggapan saya, arahan Tan Sri hanya tinggal arahan saja, dalam bahasa kasar...'dibolayan' oleh agensi/penjawat awam tertentu (bukan semua). Persepsi ini berlandaskan bahawa sehingga kini, iaitu selepas 3 hari berkerja, saya tidak mendapat sebarang respons terhadap e-mel berikut.(ini).
Adakah ini disebabkan perkhidmatan Tan Sri tidak lama lagi akan tamat, justeru anda tidak lagi relevan? Kurang pasti pula saya tapi kemungkinannya tidak dapat disangkal. Jangan salahkan rakyat yang mempunyai persepsi yang kurang 'memberangsangkan' terhadap perkhidmatan awam tertentu sepertimana yang diluahkan oleh seorang pembaca coretan saya bertajuk "Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin" di'sudah bosan dengan kerenah pentadbiran...cakap tak serupa bikin.'
Sekian untuk 'makluman dan perhatian' Tan Sri (apa maknanya...Wallahualam!). Terima kasih.
Pelik tapi Benar...Apakah agaknya yang dimimpikan oleh Penjawat Awam berkenaan kerana tup-tup...
From: Wan Hamidah bt. Wan Ibrahim
To: nor ibrahim sulaiman
Sent: Wednesday, 8 december 2010 9:07:15
Subject: RE: Elaun Untuk Penerima JPP, PTU & KPK
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
From: Wan Hamidah bt. Wan Ibrahim
To: nor ibrahim sulaiman
Sent: Wednesday, 8 december 2010 9:07:15
Subject: RE: Elaun Untuk Penerima JPP, PTU & KPK
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Terima kasih kerana mengutuskan emel tersebut dan saya mengambil perhatian ke atas perkara-perkara yang dibangkitkan dalam emel tuan.
2. Untuk makluman tuan, permohonan yang dikemukakan tersebut telahpun diteliti dan diperhalusi dari segenap aspek, malah keputusan Kerajaan juga dibuat dengan mengambilkira pandangan daripada beberapa Kementerian dan Jabatan yang berkaitan.
Terima kasih jua.
Datuk Wan Hamidah Wan Ibrahim
Setiausaha Bahagian,
Bahagian Istiadat dan Urusetia Persidangan Antarabangsa,
Jabatan Perdana Menteri.
8 Disember 2010
It is a crying shame that those who ought to defend and fight for these 'Hero's' label these federal awards, the JPP, PTU, & KPK as "Anugerah berkenaan tidak berprestij", which effectively means that the King is dishing out meaningless awards for valour which have no prestige.(Perhaps these prestige-less awards ought to be removed from the awards list). Why then do our politicians shout them selves hoarse about the 1 Malaysia concept and the Rakyat Di-duhulukan sloganeering. Giving these hero's who put themselves in harms way their just dues will not come to much and would be nothing compared to the excesses in public spending that we are bombarded with ever so frequently.
BalasPadamI have nothing but respect for Saudara Nor for as an airman he could well have presented his case only for the Pingat Tentera Udara (PTU) of which the holders are few and perhaps have succeeded. But he chose to fight for all, the Navy Army & the Air Force including the Police. Perhaps the authorities feared that by paying for all award holders our 'Federal Treasury may run dry and the nation be bankrupt' Hee! Hee!Hee!
No matter what the end result, for your fighting spirit and sense of fairness 'tabek spring' and shabas Major Nor.
Saudara Arunzab,
BalasPadamThank you. As I said in my e-mail to CDF (fwd to you), I'm really serious in my suggestion that MAF should submit a paper to the government recommeding that the 3 arwards be degazetted. I hope the e-mail passes through the 'gate-keepers' and hopefully he could find some spare time to read it.