A request for a story fulfilled....
Bukit Gambir: By Capt Tien Sen An
On the 16th
January 1991, I took over Nuri helicopter M23-12 from Capt Ravinder who did a
VIP flight in the morning. My task was a comm flight to Singapore. We took off from Sempang (RMAF KL) after
lunch with 12 POB for Singapore. At the same time I was doing a Standard
Checked on Capt Saadan, who was a D Cat captain who did a conversion from
Alloutte captain to Nuri Captain and my crewman was Sjn Gobi Raja. I was on the
Left seat.
en-route weather was good and we cruised at 3000’. After Seremban, weather
started to come in, cloud started to build up. We had to descend to 2000’ to
maintain VMC. As we passed a beam of Malacca, weather got worse; we slowly had
to descend further to about 1000’ or below to maintain VMC.
As we passed a
beam of Muar over Bukit Gambir, suddenly there was a very loud “bang”, as if
the aircraft was being shot at and the aircraft immediately went into very
severe vibrations, I reduced speed and lowered the collective quickly to
autorotate. Aircraft vibrations were so severed, all the caution and advisory
lights came on and off, it was like Christmas tree and then all the controls
became very hard. Aircraft started to roll to the left, the retreating side and
diving down. I told Capt Saadan to follow me
through on the controls as we tried to level the aircraft.
As we were going
down, we only saw the ground. We saw the trunk road, a school field and rubber
estate. As the vibrations were so severed and the controls were hard over, I
decided to go for rubber estate for the landing as it can cushion the impact.
Just before we crashed land the aircraft, suddenly we saw a row of houses in
the rubber estate in front of us, we quickly pulled the cyclic to the right and
aft as hard as we can to flare the aircraft to avoid those houses and reduce
the rate of descend to cushion the landing. The aircraft responded and ………we
saw the sky. We just continued to pull on all the controls very hard before we
crashed to cushion the landing.
While going down, there was a fast flash back
of my life in my mind until the aircraft crashed and the flash back stopped.
(Later I checked with Capt Saadan and Sjn Gobi Raja, they also experienced the
same thing). As we crashed through the rubber trees, I covered my face with my
hands and closed my eyes for the impact. Aircraft came to a sudden stopped; I
opened my eyes and saw the windscreen cracked and can’t belief that I am still
alive. And I looked at Capt Saadan, he also was alive. I quickly pulled both
the speed levers back to shut off and shout for evacuation. As I looked back to
the cabin, I only saw Maj Azmi, our Officer mess PMC /OC admin of KL Base still
trying to climb the steps on the front passenger door to get out. All the other
passengers had evacuated. I jumped out from my seat, and then pushed Maj Azmi
out off the aircraft and shout at Capt Saadan to get out, but he was still
jumping up and down on his seat as he forgot to unbuckle his seat belt. I
shouted at him “buka seat belt”, he did as told, and then he evacuated from the
After evacuated
the aircraft, I briefly checked around the wreckage and did a roll call for all
on board and checked whether anyone was injured. It was a great surprised that
none of the passengers was injured except my crewman Sjn Gobi Rajah, his palm
has a cut because he was thrown forward to my seat, left seat; which has a
weapon rack installed for crew’s weapons storage during the impact. He was
thrown forward because he was on a monkey harness. He walked around to ensure
everyone was strapped in before the impact (He did a very good job to ensure
every passenger were strap in. A few of the passengers who were aircrew help
him out as well to ensure all were strapped in), and I had a back pained.
After the roll
called and checking on injury, I walked round the crashed aircraft again which
was leaning against a tree to check on the damages in more details. I found the
tail section was broken; four Main Rotor Blades broken and left with the root
ends only with some part of the blade sleeve and another blade still intact at
the rotor hub, but the rotor hub already opened up. The blade was without part
of blade tip section. Both engines cracked and oil was leaking out. Left
undercarriage collapsed as the aircraft landed on the left side. One small tree
stump pock through from the bottom of the left side and hit the bottom of the
left seat (Luckily it was an armoured chair, if not my back side “kena sula”).
Whole aircraft was badly damaged.
After assessing
the situation, I and my crew sat down for discussion for the next plan of
actions. During the discussion, I said, “all of us survived”; all started to
smile. I told them my next action plan. (During the discussion, I took a stick
of cigarette from Sjn Gobi which he offered me and started to smoke, my first
cigarette in 5 years as I had stopped smoking for 5 years).
I went to the
nearest house, a Chinese rubber tapper’s house to ask whether they have any
house phone which I can make calls to 10 Squadron. The house owner was very
helpful, told me to use the phone and offer us drinks as well.
I called up 10
Squadron Ops room. WO Mohana answered the called and I told him “I just
survived a crashed, all on board are safe, and we need the SAR aircraft”. I
think he was shocked and disbelieved, he asked me whether I am joking. I told
him no, I am not joking. He then asked again, “how was the aircraft?” I told
him, “it’s a complete write off.’ Then I passed him the coordinates, contact
number of the Chinese small holder and told him to inform POTU.
Not too long after
I made the phone call, a Police Range Rover came by (I think the kampong people
must have informed the polis station about the crash) and asked what happened?
I told the policemen we just crashed and I need to go to the police station to
make a report, and also make a report to POTU as well.
After making the
police report, we came back to the crashed side and waited for the rescue team
or the SAR aircraft. About this time, some reporters and the kampong people had
arrived at the crashed side and I have to stop them from taking pictures of the
crashed aircraft.
About an hour
plus after the crashed, the first SAR aircraft to arrive was from TUDM Kluang
led by its Commandant, Lt Col (U) Goh Seng Toh, and the second SAR aircraft was
from 10 Squadron led by Lt Col (U) Affendi Mustapha, which arrived about half
an hour later.
I handed over
the crashed aircraft to Lt Col (U) Affendi, CO of 10 Squadron. Later, all of us
were airlifted back to KL base and send to IAM for medical checked up.
Capt Tien Sen An PTU....Thank you.