
Ahad, 9 Oktober 2016

Era Insurgensi Komunis?

Pada  20 September 2016, saya telah pergi ke sebuah agensi gomen untuk memenuhi undangan mereka. Apa lagi, veteran ni pun syok sendiri le menceritakan tentang pengalaman di era insurgensi komunis dulu. Semasa makan,  seorang penyarah mamaklumkan kepada saya bahawa ramai daripada peserta tu tak tahu pun tentang era yang saya ceritakan. Terkejut berok le saya. Ya le....orang macam saya sudah pasti tidak faham apa yang generasi kini dan akan datang mengetahui tentang sejarah negara tercinta ini...sungguh sedih!

Masa pi jumpa Supervisor di UUM, saya maklum pada dia tentang perkara ini. Nak tahu jawapannya? Dia kata ramai pelajar dia sama saja. Mereka ingat lepas tamat perang Jepun, negara aman sejahtera untuk mereka menikmati kehidupan. Dia menegur mereka kerana kurang membaca...sungguh sedih!

Tut...Tut...terbaca laporan Utusan Malaysia, 4 Oktober 2016.... 

Saya tak berhasrat untuk mengulas, hanya... sunggguh sedih!

2 ulasan:

Daniel berkata...

If the participants don't know much about Darurat Kedua in S'nanjung, what more to say about PARAKU, TNKU and RASCOM in Sarawak.

Does your book provides some insight of Nuri and TUDM operations in Sarawak, particularly in 1st,2nd,3rd Divisions (Kuching, Simanggang and Sibu respectively) during the same period?

I'm not so sure now what school teach our kids on Darurat Kedua, but during my time, it was nothing much. Maybe in my time so many things still classified as govt secret and not so many people interested to talk bout it. My interest on this era was tinged when I recalled my childhood time living in rural schools in Rascom area where it is a "special event" having Nuri and soldiers who used the schoolfield as LZ, then PFF manning roadblocks, soldiers patrolling river on assault boat. The 1 book that got me going to read more about Darurat Kedua was "Kanang" by Mazlan Nordin.

Yup will order your book,wait till i get my paycheck for Dec.

NatG berkata...

Sad but true.. current generations are oblivious to such facts and struggles undergone the peace and stability of today. So much so, it is taken for granted... one good book that read about emergency but written by a foreigner was "War of the running dogs" by Noel Barber and another by local ex VAT 69 commander A. Navaratnam and I think the title was "Spear and Kerambit". I think they should make reading books like this part of national education.