Bersambung dari SINI...
Berbalik kepada telegram dari Lennox-Boyd pada 22 Oktober 1955 kepada MacGillivray di SINI. Kelam kabut le MacGillivray dibuatnya...he...he...he. Dia pun mengadakan mesyuarat tergempar dengan Jen Bourne (Director of Operations), Chief Secretary, Attorney General, Commissioner of Police dan Director of Intelligence...semua Mat Saleh le.
Hasil mesyuarat ini dihantar kepada Lennox-Boyd pada 24 Oktober 1955 (FO 371/116941, no 69/A, Telegram no 654 from Sir D MacGillivray to Mr Lennox-Boyd, 24 Oct 1955). Dalam laporannya, MacGillivray menjelaskan bahawa dia yakin yang Tunku bertegas nak berbincang dengan Chin Peng bukannya hanya sekadar menjelaskan terma2 amnesty sahaja. Ketegasan Tunku bersandarkan bahawa beliau mempunyai sokongan padu dari rakyat. Jika Mat Saleh masih degil yang menghendaki Tunku hanya menyentuh terma2 sahaja, dia percaya Tunku akan batal saje pertemuan tersebut. Jika ini berlaku, Tunku pasti menuding jari kepada Inggeris sebagai punca penghalang menamatkan darurat. Ini juga le yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh Chin Peng dan mereka eksploitasi keadaan ini.
So What? Jangan what2 ni!. MacGillivray menjelaskan bahawa dalam keadaan begini, kedudukan Inggeris di Malaya dah tentu akan terjejas. Inggeris memerlukan kerjasama Parti Perikatan dalam mentadbir Malaya. Jangan sama sekali wujud tanggapan dalam Parti Perikatan yang Inggeris nak melewatkan penamatan darurat. Selain itu, "...this breach would be likely to lead to dissension in the ranks of the Alliance itself and the emergence of Malay/Chinese antagonisms to an extent that would jeopardise the chances of establishing the United Malaya under a strong democratic Government which is the only answer in the long run to Communist penetration."
Jadi, rumusan beliau ialah "...Our firm opinion is therefore that the meeting must be allowed to take place and that we should not now made a stand on an issue on which public opinion would not be on your side."
Namun demikian, MacGillivray juga berpendapat jangan sama-sekali beri peluang kepada PKM beranggapan bahawa mereka menang/undefeated! Dia juga percaya bahawa "...Rahman himself would not wish to go so far as to allow the M.C.P. this advantage since obviously it would threaten his own position and he is not so blind as not to see that." Dia mengukuhkan hujahnya dengan petikan Tunku dalam The Sunday Times, 23 Oktober 1955:
"Chin Peng is anxious to call off the shooting war because he knows he can't win it; on our side we should be ready to come to terms with him because this would leave us the trouble and the pain of continuing a vastly expensive jungle war. But there must be no tendency on our part to conduct these negotiations in a atmosphere of 'equality'. On Chin Peng's side is a ragged rabble; on ours there is a united nation, its freely elected leaders and a large force of the finest fighting men in the world...Every Malayan should hope that the talks succeed. Weary of the war as we are, the promise of peace sounds sweetly to our ears. But it must be a peace on our terms for we are the masters of Chin Peng and his wicked gang." Eh...Eh...Eh...hebat betul pendirian Tunku.
Akhir kata, MacGillivray memohon kebenaran Lennox-Boyd supaya pertemuan diteruskan. Dia juga akan cuba memujuk Tunku untuk membawa bersama seorang ahli MCA, terutama Col. H.S. Lee "...since he would be a restraining influence."
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Terima kasih tuan atas usaha murni membongkar rahsia disebalik tabir. Moga perjuangan generasi dahulu tidak di sia siakan oleh masyarakat kemudian.
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