Syabas kepada Utusan Malaysia bertarikh 24 November 2009 kerana menyiarkan respons terhadap polimik isu Chin Peng..
Daripada Pengarang...
Komen Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim, Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan....
Komen Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin, mantan Menteri Penerangan....
Komen En Shafie Bakri, Presiden PBPM dan Datuk Muhammad Ghani, Presiden PBTM....
Komen TPM ....Chin Peng tidak dimaafkan (Utusan Malaysia 25 Nov 2009)
“Tiada maaf bagimu Chin Peng”. Itulah jawapan kerajaan terhadap permohonan maaf bekas Setiausaha Agung Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) itu atas keganasan PKM kepada rakyat dan pejuang negara suatu ketika dahulu.
Komen Awang Selamat dan Presiden GMP
6 ulasan:
,,,just posted in my apolitical blog on communist terrorists too plus some Malayan history-lah hehehe.
Dear Tok Penggawa,
Good. Sure...I'll read it.
Respons mereka adalah bertahi politik.
The idiots were those who made the agreement that allow such thing to happen.
As rakyat I don't care anymore, everything is a big bluff by the UTUSAN to play Malay Politics. Forget it Maj Nor as we will get older and the place that we meet has been decided by ALLAH someday. ALLAH maha pengampun lagi mengasihi. Don't you believe so!!!
,,,what Chin Peng did was a crime against humanity, he should be brought to face justice like pot pot etc, send him to the International Court of Law to face the music.
,,,perhaps, we should push this across ??. We want to see justice been done for all the murders/killings/hardships he and his men/women carried out against the innocent citizens plus the nation.
Tok Uban
We should identify those modern CT's lobbying to bring back CP. Younger gens like the 3rd commentator does not have any idea how's things was back then. Well, politic is one thing but the issue is about the calls from those modern CT to rewrite history.
For me, CP should be trial as a War Criminal in the international court or alternatively ... get him erased!
Hahahaha Abu Garcia, I fought the Cts and in fact at a high risk.
So please don't underestimate people who wish to voice their opinions.
ALLAh maha pengampun lagi mengasihi.
We can forgive but we can't forget!!!
If the government is sincere then bring him to court of justice!!!
Tak payah nak cerita pasal dulu kala!!!
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