Malaysia telah berjaya menangani masalah insurgensi tetapi masih ada negara yang masih bertungkus lumus cuba menamatkan peperangan yang tidak diistiharkan ini...dan tidak berjaya! Paling hampir dengan negara tercinta ini ialah Filipina. Bacalah artikel berikut masalah yang dihadapi oleh kedua-dua pihak - negara tersebut dan 'Maoist rebels'.
Saya kurang pasti sama ada Filipina pernah mencuba konsep 'KESBAN' bagi mengatasi masalah pergerakan pemisahan (MILF) dan juga ancaman komunisme. Atau adakah mereka tidak yakin dengan kaedah 'Keselamatan dan Pembangunan' ini? Memang benar situasi di sana berbeza dengan apa yang dihadapi oleh Malaysia di suatu ketika dulu tetapi prinsipnya boleh diaplikasikan. Paling asasnya ialah melaksanakan apa yang diperkenalkan di era saya sebagai Ops Jiwa Murni...dan sudah terbukti keberkesanannya! Banyak artikel telah ditulis tentang konsep KESBAN seperti yang terdapat di sini di bawah sub-para 'The Security and Development Program (KESBAN)' (secara ringkas sahaja) dan 'The Failure Of Communist Ideology (Malaysia)' di sini.
Kita semua sudah dihadangkan dengan berbagai rencana dalam saluran 'History' seperti 'Malayan Emergency' dan juga buku-buku oleh 'pejuang kemerdekaan'. Adakah lagi isu-isu yang masih belum terjawab? Sekiranya ada, tolong lontarkan agar boleh juga saya cuba mencungkilkan jawapannya melalui pakar-pakar di luar sana, InsyaAllah.
13 ulasan:
saya baru terserempak dgn blog tuan ni. agak menarik juga cerita2 drpd veteran tentera, dah naik muak baca blog2 politikal hentam keromo di kedua-dua belah pagar. i follow~
Not only KESBAN but the most effective and draconian is ISA!
Siapa tentang kerajaan semua jadi atau di copkan Komunis.
If the present government continues with KESBAN now... well many people can make money! project after project tempat tak ada komunis pu ada projek KESBAN.
Actually it is ISA, OSA and recently the AUKU that prevented the ideology. With just KESBAN, till today it will not solve agak nya la Maj but many will get KESBAN related project.
memang betul, KESBAN sahaja tak akan menyelesaikan masalah insugensi di Malaysia.
Komunis tidak diterima oleh orang orang melayu.
Melayu/Islam and the capitalist are against the Communist, but in the Phillipine, Afghanistan and Iraq it is totaly a different story....
To put things in perceptive and answer the question.."How on earth did Malaysia managed to defeat the communist ???"... I would add that it was not only the concept of KESBAN and hearts and mind plus search and destroy that we managed to defeat the communist.
It was in fact the Briggs plan that first broke the back of the communists insurgency which resulted with the declared end of the Emergency throughout the 1960 to1968. It's from the Briggs Plan, that Malaysian Government understood the importance of security and development and how it could be used against the MCP insurgency. The Malaysian Government, then, introduced a new strategy of fighting the MCP. It was known as Security and Development, or KESBAN which finally laid the coup-di-grace on the enemy. Disillusioned and disheartened the MCP or what ever was left of it, finally agreed to sign a Peace Accord in Haadyai, Thailand on the 2 December 1989 effectively ending this long war.
In conclusion it was through the combination of Briggs Plan and KESBAN that we defeated the MCP though not enough for then to surrender but to sign a peace accord. Allowing the likes of Chin Peng and about 1,188 MCP members who had spilled so much blood of our security forces to get away.
The question I have always asked my self- Was was there really a need to sign a peace accord with an almost vanquished enemy ????
What happened to the Malay saying -Kalau gengam bara api biar lah sampai abok nya!!!!
Fikir fikir kan lah !!!!
It is a matter of perspective. Take Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) as an example on what both the Indonesian government and GAM gain and lost from signing a peace treaty.
For an underground movement, the group can be dormant for a long period, but the legacy will never be dead. Until someday, it will rise again, using the old infrastructure, the old method and the old name. No need for a new branding.
But if we mutually and officially write the name off, perhaps they will need a new name for the new group when they feel like to make a comeback. With a peace treaty signed, it will become a letter of official resignation ordered from top commander to the whole team members. Now every team members can have an outing forever and start packing without hesitation or fear to their local leader.
Pemberontakan bersenjata komunis di Malaysia
Cetakan Pertama.
Mohd. Reduan Haji Asli.
Published 1993 by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Written in Malay.
freebooterrambo Yes indeed it is a matter of perspective, it depends at which way you look at it.
But personally I think we at that time and evern now have what it takes to finish Ching Peng and Co. totally. No need for a peacelah. He..he..
We at that time have good intel. We have good units. We have everything to win the insurgency, just like what Sri Lankan Army do to LTTE recently.
Perhaps, we just missed the oppurtunity to see more action. We have capabality to make plan like assigning an agent or a sniper to China to get Chin Peng. But finally we choose to sign a peace treaty.
Just pray for the best. Insya Allah.
Yes that is exactly my point we had every thing to finish off Ching Peng and Co. totally but we did not. Let's now not dwell in the past and as you put it Just pray for the best. Insya Allah.
Saya selalu terdengar dan sampai sekarang masih tertanya-tanya tentang kewujudan kumpulan Blacjacket? Siapakah sebenarnya kumpulan Blackjacket ini? Apakah asal usul sebenar kumpulan ini?
Pembaca Semua,
Terima kasih di atas pandangan anda. Semuanya sudah berlalu. Namun demikian, mungkin ada dikalangan kita yang berhasrat untuk membuat penyelidikan ilmiah. Seperti yang dikatakan, sehingga kini tiada sebarang menyelidikan mendalam dilakukan.
saya pernah melalui jraya dari grik ke betong tahun pertengahan 70an hingga 80an .ketika itu projek kesban telah dibuat.banyak tnah bukit dikiri dan kanan jalan ditebang seluasnya untuk elak drp laluan komunis ,kemudian ditanah getah/kelapa sawit. contoh dari laluan grik - kp lalang ,lepang nenering hingga ke betong dan kroh
perbulan saya dgn x komando meytakan blakjaket ialah tentera komunis yg terlatih utk operasi khas. byk kat betong
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