
Selasa, 23 April 2013

Adakah Mustahil?

Saya harap para pembaca yang dihormati akan meluangkan masa membaca keratan akhbar berikut dan memikio sejenak tentang laporan tersebut....

Utusan Malaysia 22/04/2013

Saya dah berbuih mulut cuba menasihatkan para pembaca blog ini untuk memikiokan masa hadapan diri sendiri dan kaum keluarga bila tiba masanya mengucapkan sayonara kepada majikan setelah berempas-pulas berkhidmat mencari rezeki halal. 

Sepertimana yang saya katakan sebelum ini, saya bukan seorang 'Pakar Pengurusan Kewangan' bertauliah. Apa yang saya tuliskan hanya pengalaman saya sendiri dalam mengurus pendapatan bulanan, GAJI sahaja, tanpa lain-lain pendapatan. Kerana mengingatkan masa hadapan,   syukur alahamdulillah, buat ketika ini tidak dibeban dengan sebarang hutang kepada mana-mana insan-Nya. Sesiapa yang tiada sebarang hutang-piutang akan memahami apa yang saya nikmati.

Sebenonya saya tak pasti mengapa RM1 juta dijadikan 'benchmark'. Apakah 'life style' yang memerlukan sejumlah itu? Persoalannya...

Katakanlah simpanan RM1 juta (pokok) itu digunakan untuk menampung kehidupan harian. Andainya individu memerlukan RM10k sebulan. Wang ini akan habis dalam masa ~8 tahun. Lepas itu? Kalau pencen umur 60 tahun,  katakanlah selepas 70 tahun, apa sumber pendapatan selain pencen?

Tapi, jika berpegang kepada 'mengukur baju pada badan sendiri' dan menolak konsep 'bio pape ase begaye', RM1 juta dilabur dan hasilnya, seperti bonus dan dividen, dibelanjakan...itu tindakan yang BIJAK. Insyaallah, senanglah kehidupan di waktu ambang sore nanti. 

Namun demikian...Adakah mengumpul RM1 juta seperti yang disarankan oleh pakar tersebut sesuatu yang mustahil kepada segolongan besar penjawat awam? Pada pandangan mejar pencen serba tahu ini (he...he...he), bukannya sesuatu yang mustahil bagi mereka berkenaan yang masih berkhidmat. Tapi saya tahu, ramai daripada mereka yang agak bermasalah dalam pengurusan kewangan.

Saya tidak berhasrat untuk mengulangi apa yang pernah saya coretkan sebelum ini. Semuanya terpulang kepada individu. Untuk menikmati keberkatan dan rahmat-Nya, hanya memerlukan perancangan, usaha dan berdoa....Allah menentukannya, wallahualam.

2 ulasan:

askartua berkata...

Pokoknya kita mesti tahu berterima kasih dan bersyukur kepada ALLAH di atas rezeki yang kita perolihi sejak bersara.Wang bukan segala-segalanya untuk menikmati sisa sisa hidup kita,jikalau jika mengambil sikap kesederhanaan di dalam mengharongi hidup ini InshALLAH hidup kita akan sentiasa diberkati dan dijauhi penderitaan.Salam

Nur Emyinda berkata...

Salam Tuan Mejar Nor Ibrahim,

A very good deed and a sensible thoughtful suggestion - a gentle reminder to me @ all readers.
No harm in doing so Tn Mejar Nor ibrahim.

Well, one of the hardest things to do when we have some excess liquidity, is not to spend it. The trap is easy: after breaking our back working, committing time and sacrificing many things, it is just logical to wish to indulge ourselves by travelling, eating in restaurants, buying clothes or doing whatever it is we like. Thinking of saving may be seen as somehow sacrificing that prize that we earned after having to endure so much in the race. It is really tough. But spending is one of the traps of money: it enslaves people and makes them dependent for life on a salary and the will of a boss. Because, of course, expenses need to be paid, and to pay them we need to work. And when those expenses turn into debt, we have to do whatever is required so that our source of income may allow we remain afloat, whatever the cost.

This is how dependence on a salary is generated, which forces us to work, most of the times in something we do not like. Along with this comes frustration, conformity and, eventually, mediocrity. There comes the time when we are not happy in our job, we feel we are wasting our life, but how to leave the source of income that allows us to cover all the expenses we have to pay? Life gets into a vicious circle that eventually leads us to lose self respect. It takes conviction to invest rather than to spend. It requires us to have it clear that we invest to avoid such bondage because, although investing is more than anything an effort, or waiving a prize, in the end it has a more lasting goal: financial independence. Investing is what makes the difference between those who own their lives and those who become slaves of their salary.
Again, this is not about choosing the shortest or the easiest way, Both paths require a great deal of effort and sacrifice. But only one of them allows us to get somewhere. It is up to us to take that road and start to harvest fruits, or keep on struggling without getting anywhere, because of the vain illusion offered by spending. A solid financial education allows us to enjoy that time a lot more freely. And it is important to understand that the biggest part of being financially educated is not only to have a better lifestyle, but to be responsible and human enough to reach out to others who are struggling and share our knowledge. So Tn Mejar Nor Ibrahim, you actually did what you have to do - for the future betterment of all readers ( reading your blog). In the hope, insyaallah, they’ll listen…and start investing…not later but now...

p/s Every day that passes is time that we can't get back; and when investing over the long haul, time is our greatest ally. Educate ourselves, develop a plan and implement it not only for ourselves, but also for our family's future financial security.

Well, as the old saying goes, better late than never. Btw; unless we were born with a silver spoon in our mouth, we absolutely need to begin investing to protect ourselves and our family in our retirement years.

Simply love this phrase ...UKUR BAJU DI BADAN SENDIRI( Ingat tau...jangan ukur badan orang lain tau sebab kita sendiri yang akan pakai baju tu...nanti tak padan pulak...sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tiada gunanya...hahaha)...JOM KITA RERAMAI TERUS MENABUNG DAN BIJAK MELABUR...JUSTERU BERSYUKURLAH DENGAN KURNIAAN ILLAHI; PASTI AKAN DILIPATGANDAKAN REZEKI KITA LAGI...