Readers...Remember the story about two Air Rescue Team members from MSSR (commandos) who were killed on two separate incidents on board Mej (U) Chong Keng Lay's Nuri? On both occassions, it involved the same aircrew. Well...below is the unedited story written by Sgt Mohsain (WO2 (R)), the AQM.
Unforgetable Flying Experience.
In my 1st posting as an aircrew is No.3 Sqn TUDM Butterworth Feb 1978. As expected being an aircrew flying is the way of life.To relate back the incidence, come 16/8/1978, it was a fasting month
Flight detail of the day ..16 Aug 1978
Tasking – C/S Cepung 475 Juliet Alpha
Kroh – LP’s – Kroh
Casualty Evacuation
Crew - Mej (U) Chong Keng Lay ( A/C Captain)
2Lt (U) Johan ( Co-Pilot)
Sgt Mohsain Hj Hashim . AQM
Lance Kopral Ismail- Komando- Air rescue team
Tropper Jamian – Komando - Air rescue team
Aircraft - FM1725
Location- Ops Selamat Swadee Kroh Detachmet
Time – Approx 1600 hrs
Every muslim crew member including the komandos busy preparing for buka puasa dishes, few minutes later came the Ops guy informing the situation i.e to pick up casevac at marker “E”. During the flying, our aircraft were escorted by gunship. The clearence to go for the pick up will be given by the gunship.Once the clearence given, tactical flying and menouvering done by aircraft captain assist by copilot and airquatermaster.
As the pilot flying towards the LP, I started pattering the aircraft towards the LP at forward 60, 40,20, forward 10 and clear turning that moment I heard through my intercom the pilot shouted “ we have been shot” I yell toward L/K Ismail “ Tembak” unfortunately there’s no respond from him, I noticed blood came out from his body and informed the pilot L/K Ismail has been hit . The aircraft managed to fly back to kroh and L/k was sent to Penang Hospital and pronounced dead the same night.
Well, what a day, the aircraft was shut down and on investigation done by the ground crew 13 bullet holes were found.
Mission not accomplish yet……. The same crew minus L/k Ismail fly back to the same location, now with better coverage and support we managed to pull him out safely. Few years ago I’ve met one of his friends who is running food stall in Kluang, he said that guy still alive, by then I don’t think he remember me……….
One of the bullet holes that hit the aircraft fuselarge
Note: Finally I manage to 'copy & paste' pictures/commendation letter from WO2 Mohsain's e-mail for this posting. My appreciation to a reader, Katon Tin Ton, for his assistance. Initially I faced some problems to include the photographs in my posting, having to print and scanned first before pasting it. That method was unsatisfactory because the images produced were not clear.

En Mohsain dan Katon Tin Ton...Thank you.
To be continued...
16 ulasan:
Al Fatiha....
Kepada yang terkorban kerana agama, bangsa dan negara tetapi ia lah maj... out of sight..out of mind!
next time, if u facing a difficulties to make an attachemnt, just sent to my mail I'll try to solve it
Dear Anonymous,
Katon Tin Ton,
Thank you for dropping by. Nice name. Consider offer accepted. I'm sending my problem now to you.
Salam Tuan!
Episod ..cerita gini membuatkan air mata menitis tanpa di undang.....PENGORBANAN dan sikap berani yang tak pernah LUNTUR di kalangan Peg dan LLP .....satu manifestasi IKHLAS dalam melaksanakan TUGAS...Alfatihah buat ROHnya AMIN!
Saya akan ikhtiarkan supaya Balu/Anak Allahyarham Lkpl Ismail Anggota ART yang terkorban tersebut. Kita tunggu samada beliau sanggup mengimbau kembali detik-detik hitam yang menyelubungi keluarganya.
Saudara Basri,
Saya turut rasa sebak melihat gambar anak arwah di pusara bapanya. Kelmarin saya telah berjumpa dengan WO2 (B) Mohsain, anggota komando, di Restoran Haji Ramly, Simpang 4, untuk mendengar cerita bagaimana Lt Raja Musa (FOO) terkena jerangkap samar pada 21 Jun 1978.
Saudara Abah,
Tadi saya telah menghubungi balu arwah Lt (U) Wan Munsiff bertanya samaada beliau sedia berkongsi pengalaman beliau setelah pemergian suami tercinta. Beliau sedang memikirkannya.
salam tuan,
kalau ori photo tu dlm bentuk hardcopy mcm paper, gambar dlm album etc, kena scan dulu. Lepas tu boleh terus attach dlm blog.
Kalau photo tu dah mmg dlm bentuk softcopy, lagi senang. Terus attach.
Tak payah nak convert sbb kebanyakan photo / gambar dlm jpeg, bmp etc
kalau ada masalah boleh hubungi saya seperti yg tertera dlm email
Saudara Katon Tin Ton,
Terima kasih. Tahap IT saya hanya peringkat TADIKA. Sehingga sekarang masih 'kelabu' macam mana nak buat 'arrow' pada gambar...He...he...he
kena arrange training tu
tak pa slow slow lama lama laju la
Mejar ni kg Jitra belah mana ?
Saudara Katon Tin Ton,
Saya orang 'Tepen' tetapi dah menetap di Jitra.
Salam.....Tuan,memang takut bila baca kisah2 semasa d fwd loc di zaman tuan.memang mencabar menjadi aircrew di zaman tuan.jauh beza dgn sekarang ni.
apa2 pun,semoga Allah merahmati kepada mereka yang telah terkorban...Al Fatihah
Xxx Xxxxxxx
Saudara Xxx Xxxxxxx,
Memang jauh beza ketika era saya dulu. Syukur alhamdulillah, sekurang-kurangnya kisah lama ini sudah mula diminati oleh segelintir rakyat. Terima kasih di atas sumbangan anda.
tuan, insyaallah,selagi yang saya mampu saya akan terus membantu tuan.
kalau ada kelapangan,jemput hadir ke walimatulurus adik sy pada 13 jun ni
Xxx Xxxxxxx
Saudara Xxx Xxxxxxx,
Terima kasih atas jemputan. Kalau tiada aral melintang, IsyaAllah.
Salam En Mohsain,
Thank you for sharing you memories with us.
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