On Saturday, 12 March 1977 at about 1330 hour, an Alouette 111 (A103), callsign 'Capung 333 Alpha' crashed on approaching LP 'Victor One Bar', Kpg Weng, Kedah Darulaman. The soldier who marshalled the aircraft, was killed. The pilot was court martialled and the finding was...
Recovery of the A103...

Loading Turbomeca Artouste engine into the Nuri
Nuri lifting the wreckage
Free lift back to Base
Xxxxxxx...Thank you for sending the newspaper cutting and photographs.
6 ulasan:
What an interesting find! You are now within my sphere for easier reach. I tengok you pun hantu golf, just like my other half. Hari-hari!
,,,the alouette pilot, what was his name ?. Do you remember ?
Dear Kama,
6 hari seminggu tarik troli. Tanpa kami berempat, pagi di DGCC senyap sunyi. Gelak ketawa kami boleh didengar seluruh golf course. He..he..he.
Dear Sharif,
Of course I know him. A very creative person. He left the Air Force while serving as my Nuri Flight Cmdr in Labuan. I think it's inappropriate to reveal his name in public.
A memory that the pilot will have to live with and the uncertainty of the risk encountered during the mission and only GOD knows! But will you be appreciated or praised- no... surely not that what we want but it all fated. No regret I believe to all chopper pilot and pray to ALLAH that all of you guys in good health and good luck with your loving family.
The great thing of yesteryear RMAF leaderships were, they have balls to bring people to court martial as to get the truth as well as giving people the opportunity to defend accordingly but I was told by a friend that present leadership has none apart from abusing their authority just to cover their asshole (CYA). What a pity! Sorry sir!!!
Dear Anonymous,
Appreciated? Praised? He...he...he. Suffice to hear 'THANK YOU'.
,,,eerrmm creative fellow ! guess i might guess rightfully who too. hihihi...interesting character too but will keep it to myself-lah.
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