Reference: My article entitled "A Challenging LP". An RAAF's 'Chinook' helicopter flew 14000 km return trip from Australia solely to recover the Nuri, FM1717, which had crashed at an LP on Gunung Korbu. It created a record of being the "Longest 'Copter Flight In History" then.
Airlifting FM1717 from the LP on 11 September 1980

Download the Nuri at AIROD, Subang
The Nuri in question was repaired and then....up....up and away.
12 ulasan:
Salam Tuan
Everytime when our Nuri crashes in mountain area which I pray it won't happen again, do we require an assistance from Chinook?
I still can remember when PC-7 crashed at UUM Sintok sometime in year 1993 (if I'm not mistaken) in which I was among the earliest people to reach the site as well Thai construction workers. I was doing my laundry in the next building when I heard a big bang and found that a plane crashed only few meters from where I was standing. Since then, I really appreciate my life and join ROTU.
Seperti yang telah diperkatakan terlebih dahulu. En Mokhsin (Kdo) ada dan terlibat ketika insiden ini berlaku. Mungkin beliau ada cerita serba sedikit tentang insiden itu kan?
Dear Kamal,
I may be wrong but I think that was the first and the last. Or maybe there was one more airlift of a Caribou aircracft which made an emergency landing somewhere in Sarawak.
Saudara Abah,
Ketika berjumpa dengan En Mokhsin (kdo) tempuh hari, beliau menceritakan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. Rasanya tidak sesuai untuk disiarkan buat ketika ini.
Salam Tuan!
Cerita Nuri crash ni ....semasa saya berkursus Muslihat Pegawai Muda di Pusat Latihan Komando di Sg Udang dalam tahun 1975 dulu...Dalam Latihan Repelling,Nuri di pandu oleh Mej Senin Jantan sa telah membuat 2 sortie - crashed atas rimbunan pokok2 dlm Kem Terendak ...saya sepatutnya dalam sortie berikutnya...Syukur selamat.!! Cedera LtM A Razak Renjer - putus kaki hingga ke paha di libas tali repelling..Masyaallah!
Mej Dato' Anizam(Bersara x KOD)kini EXCO Keajaan Kelantan juga dalam sortie tersebut...Beliau mungkin simpan gambar crash tu...
Alfatihah buat Roh Mej Senin(senior saya 5 thn di STAR,Ipoh)
Saudara Basri,
Dalam insiden tersebut, kapten pesawat ialah Kapt (U) AP Lim. Ketika hovering, salah satu enjin 'failed'. Pilihan yang ada hanyalah mendarat. Arwah Kapt (U) Senin telah tercampak dari 'seat'nya ke atas seat Kapt (U) Lim. Sekiranya beliau tidak tercampak, kemungkinan besar beliau terkorban kerana satu rotor blade yang patah telah menembusi wind screen terus ke seat co-pilot. Ini semua kuasa Allah. Mana tidaknya...bagaimana 'locking device seat belt' pada seat boleh terbuka! Lantai nuri pula ditembusi sebatang pokok.
Kami diberitahu oleh Ketua Skn, Mej (U) Goh Seng Toh, setiba beliau dari Kem Terendak pada waktu malam. Beliau memberi taklimat kepada Pegawai Memerintah di Mes Pegawai ketika kami menghadiri 'mess night'. Bangkai pesawat itu tidak dibaikpulih dan di'sumbang' kepada komando untuk kegunaan latihan.
Mej Noh,
The Caribou was airlifted by US Marines Chinook from Matu in Mukah District to on board USS Torowa (USM Helicopter Carrier) sailing off the coast of Mukah. One of our 7 Sqn Nuri also landed on board the carrier. Can't remember the Pilot's but Sgt Pak Singh was the crewman.
From there they sailed to off Kuching and the Chinook lifted the Caribou to Kuching Base. This was in 1979.
The aircraft was repaired and was flying again with No.1 Sqn.
,,,did you manage to get pic. of the crashed Alouette near Fort Cabai hill side where-by Lt(U) Shaharudin plus some on board were killed (plus the doc.) but two managed to walk down the hill b4 we could actually locate the crash site. WE had to winch up the dead and left the Alouette there but i understood the Engineers were later sent there to destroy the chopper with explosive. (i might be wrong).
,,,the weather can be very hazardous at times during the monsoon season and we had to creep along the little openings btw the high mountains and some of us don't make it. Its get me home mindset that kills, always be prepared to nightstop at the SB jungle forts is probably what kept me alive those flying days.
,,,just wondering, how is Fort Cabai nowadays ??...any aircrew up-dates pls ! pic.if possible ?.
Dear Sharif,
I didn't see any photograph on Shah's incident. But I have Sawal's 'sublouette' when he landed at Pulau Langkawi.
Dear Nibs & Basri,
For your info Senin masih hidup sehat wal afiat menimang cucu2nya. Earlier I thought so also but I got the info from his wife Wati on facebook that he's alive and kickin'. I think the confusion stemmed from the fact that we had 2 Senin/Ithnin in the RMAF, so I think Mej Ithnin (logistics/Supply offr) is the one who is arwah. Do Contact Senin on 016 6451737.
oops sorry,forgot to ident myself. info about Senin was from Rosli Yusof
Saudara Rosli,
Terima kasih. Seperti yang saya sms tadi, saya telah menalifon Senin untuk meminta maaf diatas kesilapan saya.
Assalamualaikum Mejar...
Saya ingin bertanya pendapat Mejar mengenai beberapa perkara ?
1. Kemalangan pesawat selalu berlaku pada zaman Mejar berkhidmat dan kebanyakkan pesawat adalah baru dan boleh dikatakan capable. Soalan saya adakah kemalangan yang berlaku adalah disebabkan human factor sama ada yang menerbangkan pesawat atau yang membaik pulih pesawat.
2. Adakah safety procudure , situation awarness tidak diambil berat oleh crew yang terlibat memandang pesawat mempunyai limitation tertentu serta tidak dilengkapi dengan sistem terbaik pada waktu itu.
3. Adakah latihan kepada crew menggunakan sop yang sesuai atau lebih kepada naluri atau mengikut acuan instructor masing2. Menyebabkan keupayaan crew terbatas dan mengundang kepada kemalangan.
4. Adakah spare part yang digunakan tidak sesuai atau outdated dan not available ketika diperlukan.
5. adakah tiada perancangan yang teliti semasa operasi dijalankan dan mengambil mudah setiap perancangan.
6. Soalan terakhir kenapa tradisi ketenteraan barat digunapakai oleh atm walhal kita boleh meimplikasi islamik military tradition seperti solat tahajud ketika orientasi dan menguatkan iman seriap anggiota bukan meng hell anggota seperti haiwan. Strategi dari barat boleh diimplimankan tetapi tradisi yang mengarut dan bercanggah dengan islam perlu dihapuskan. Apa pendapat Mejar?
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