Siaran ulangan...
Dalam sejarah Negara Malaysia, inilah pertama kali sebuah helikopter Nuri ditembak jatuh oleh pengganas komunis (PK). Semua aircrew dan penumpang berikut terkorban -"KIA" - Killed In Action... - Lt (U) Chung Ming Teck PTU, #10 Skn, Kapten pesawat
- Lt (U) Wan Munsiff bin Wan Salim KPK, #10 Skn, Co-pilot
- Sjn Leong Yee Heng PTU, #10 Skn, AQM
- Kapt (U) Choo Yeok Boo PGB, #7 Skn (Kapten)
- Kapt (U) Mustapha Kamal bin Mohamad Shafie KPK, #7 Skn (Co-pilot)
- Mej Haris bin Rejab, MMLO Haadyai
- Kapt Sulaiman bin Abdullah, 6 Bde
- Lt Ibrahim bin Zakaria, 3 RAMD
- Sjn Kamis bin Dolmat, 3 RAMD
- L/Kpl Kamarulzaman bin Zakaria, X Sqn RGK
- L/Kpl Suandi bin Saim, X Sqn RGK
Semuanya bermula di sini...Kem Gubir...
Capt's Longhouse said...Nor,
,,,guess, you might be interested to know that i might be the last aircrew from the No.10 squadron that briefed them before their departure to ops. gubir to recover another shot-up 139 holed Nuri (Murad's)from Gubir back to Butterworth base.
,,,in fact, i was to carry out the aircraft ferry back but since i had flown more than 100 hrs within that bloody week, Capt Choo from 7 Sqn. as relief back-up crew, advised me to just ferry my chopper back to Kuantan for its servicing schedule.
,,,so that morning, while having a shower together, all 3 of us, Choo & Chang plus myself discussed about the emergency landing sites available along the Gubir valley and protocol to follow in case of force landings if in case we can't make it to the emergency LPs !.
,,,My advise was to force land into the deep valley basin and on to the bushy bamboo trees inorder to help cushion the chopper, which Capt. Choo agreed but Lt(U)Chung suggested that force landing on the bigger trees would be his option !.
,,,we were jolly about it since this informal safety briefing was carried out in the bathroom while soaping ourselves naked !.
,,,if am not wrong, the Nuri that was shot down was crewed by Lt(U) Chung and Lt(U) Wan Munsiff and not Capt. Choo & Capt(U) Mustapha as most might think so.
,,,I was flying overhead Grik, when I heard over the radio that the Nuri had crashed but unfortunately my chopper has just enough flying hours to ferry her back to Kuantan. My request to divert for SAR was turned down due to the technical short comings, however there were other choppers already at the location to carry out the SAR function.
,,,Apparently, the crashed chopper initially landed over a huge tree and caught fire upon contact with the ground below, killing everyone onboard, indeed most unfortunately. Am not too sure if it could have made it to the deep valley end, whereby the trees were smaller in size ?.
,,,the bathing experience together plus special jolly briefings we had together still is fresh in my mind until today !. I can somehow still remember the great jokes and laughters while having that very early morning cold shower too at the officer's Mess RMAF/RAAF Butterworth.
,,,Indeed, we always had a great time together too there after our operational flights from the thai/M'sian border areas.
,,,This is the 2nd time and the last that Capt(U)Choo had taken over my flight assignment during our tour of flight duties !. He was a great buddy and I own him aplenty. Just a few months before he had positioned his chopper as the dummy to be shot at, while I carried out the winching down of troops to surround the bloody CTs during another special ops. near the Thai/M'sian border area and not too a distance away from Gubir.
Faizul said...Hello Capt Longhouse,
Thank you for refreshing our memories on that tragic incident where we lost a lot of our friends and comrades.
I was in Sibu Detachment during that period fighting our own little war with the CT's there.
There was a marked increase in traffic on our HF channel 2 and it eventually dawned on us that we had lost an aircraft and all on board.
Abah said...Seperti yang telah saya maklumkan dahulu, saya salah seorang anggota yang terlibat didalam operasi Gubir tersebut. Saya juga merupakan salah seorang 'Volunteer' didalam serangan Kem PGk tersebut dengan menaiki NURI utama yang betul-betul turun secara Wincing di-tengah-tengah Kem tersebut. Pada rancangan awalnya kami diturunkan secara Repeling, malangnya tali Repeling tersebut tersangkut didahan kayu.
Dipendik cerita semasa NURI yang membawa mangsa dan letupan itu hampir ke LP. NURI ditembak oleh Penganas PGK. Malangnya NURI tersebut tidak mendarat di LP tersebut, tetapi berpatah balik ke Kem Gubir. Setelah sekian masa perhubungan dengan NURI tsb putus. Maka kumpulan Penyelamat di kerahkan. Setelah di kesan ada kebakaran dilokasi, maka 3 orang anggota Penyelamat terdiri dari anggota GGK telah diturunkan di bangkai Pesawat NURI tersebut.
Untuk mendapatkan cerita selanjutnya Tuan boleh mendapatkan cerita selanjutnya dari mantan SSJN 14040 Yussof yang merupakan Section Comd saya ketika di No1 Troop X Skn. Kalau tak salah saya setelah beliau bersara dan kembali ke Kampung halaman nya di Dusun Tua Ulu Langat.
Cerita di tempat kejadian boleh didapati sendiri dari mulut beliau kerana beliau merupakan Comd Air Resque Team semasa kejadian . Belia dan 2 anggota bermalam disitu bersama-sama Jenazah-Jenazah sehingga Pesawat NURI datang pada keesokan harinya.
Sementara saya berada di Kem PGK tersebut sehingga diarahkan keluar dari Kem tersebut beberapa hari kemudian. Oleh kerana lokasi yang berbeza maka saya tak dapat ceritakan keadaan sepenuhnya cuma cerita dari mulut dari Kumpulan Penyelamat tersebut diketahui apabila operasi tersebut selesai.
Abah said...Sambungan.....
Takdir menentukan segala-galanya....
Pada hemat saya sekiranya NURI tersebut mendarat di LP tersebut, maka peratusan yang tinggi semua yang yang berada didalam NURI tersebut terselamat dari maut. ini memandangkan LP tersebut betul-betul 'Secured' pertahanan yang terdapat dipersekitaran LP tersebut dikawal hampir-hampir satu TP (XSqn). Kemungkinan juga Juruterbang berpendapat pesawat yang dipandunya boleh samapi ke Gubir berdasarkan sebelum itu sebuah NURI juga telah ditembak oleh PGK dengan kesan tembakan yang maksima dari PGK telah membawa dengan selamatnya (TP dari Skn Z) kembali ke Gubir atau mungkin ada arahan pihak atasan supaya NURI tersebut diterbangkan ke Gubir memandangkan Lokasi tersebut betul-betul berada di Negeri Thailand bukan di Hutan disebelah kita.
Hanya dapat saya nyatakan semasa NURI mengambil Lencongan kehadapan sedikit dari Kem PGK tersebut, NURI tsb ditembak. Tembakan M79 dilepaskan oleh rakan-rakan saya secara rambang jangkaan Lokasi Musuh berada dan juga bantuan
Tembakan ARTY diminta kearah jangkaan Lokasi Musuh berada
Mej (B) Nor Ibrahim Bin Sulaiman said...Saudara Abah,
Terima kasih atas sumbangan cerita tersebut. Saya tidak boleh memberi sebarang komen mengapa Pilot tidak mendarat di 'Green Patch'. Mungkin ketika itu beliau tidak menyedari masalah sebenarnya yang dihadapi. Sepertimana yang anda katakan, sebelum kejadian tersebut, sebuah Nuri telah ditembak dan berpuluh peluru mengena tangki minyak. Namun, Kapt Murad telah selamat mendarat di Gubir.
Untuk makluman, secara kebetulan, AQM Kapt Murad ialah Sjn Leong yang akhirnya terkorban dalam insiden Nuri tersebut.
Melalui pengalaman semasa berada di LP kawasan Klian Intan (KI), saya 'lift off' ke KI apabila ditembak oleh PK dengan M79. Sekiranya tindakan ini tidak diambil, mungkin kami semua '...tinggal dalam kenangan'!
Abah said...NURI yang terhempas itu membawa bersama bahan letupan seperti PE, Det Cord dll bagi tujuan untuk meletupkan Bunker(Tunnel) di Kem PK tsb. Mengikut jadual awalnya PM saya ketika Lt Kol Hasbullah Bond(allahyarham) bercadang untuk pergi bersama dengan AC tersebut bagi melihat sendiri keadaan Kem tsb. Oleh kerana sesuatu sebab maka beliau tidak dapat bersama didalam AC tsb. Walaubagaimana pun beliau juga mengalami nahas Udara (NURI) di Serawak dan meninggal dunia didalam tragedi tsb.
Dengan adanya bahan letupan tsb didalam AC juga memarakkan lagi kebakaran dan berlaku letupan kepada NURI tsb.
Walaubagaimana pun bahan letupan dapat juga dihantar ke Kem PK, walaupun tidak sama dengan jumlah penghantaran pertama yang terbakar itu.
Pada ingatan saya juga mereka yang menaiki AC itu juga bertujuan sama iaitu untuk ingin meninjau dan melihat sendiri keadaan Kem PK tsb. Malangnnya hajat mereka tidak kesampaian.
Betul, mengikut cerita lisan juga, terdapat seorang mangsa tidak terbakar. Berkemungkinan dia tercampak keluar atau nekad untuk terjun dari Pesawat.
Lagi satu.....
Ketika kami diturunkan secara Wincing pun PK melakukan Tembakan M79. Kami bernasib baik peluru M79 tersebut terkena dahan dan tidak terkena AC. Berkemungkinan juga mereka dalam keadaan panik ketika itu. 'Worst to worst' Pilot,AQM dan Air Dispatch@Air Resque Team bertekad untuk menurunkan kami walaupun keadaan nyawa mereka juga terancam ketika itu.
Mej (B) Nor Ibrahim Bin Sulaiman said...Saudara Anonymous,
Saya telah menghubungi seorang pilot x-#7 Sqn. Beliau memberitahu aircrew #7 Sqn telah diarahkan oleh Markas Udara untuk membantu #10 Sqn kerana Sqn tersebut tak cukup 'tangan'. Keadaan terlalu getir.
Aircrew pertama untuk 'det' ialah Capt (U) Choo, Capt (U) Mustapha (co-pilot) dan Sjn (AQM) Honorious. Ketika insiden itu berlaku, 'det crew' mengikuti pesawat untuk 'familiarization flight' sebelum mengambil alih det di Butterworth. Nak jadikan cerita, arwah Capt Mustapha mengarah Sjn Honorious mengambil 'helmet'nya yang tertinggal di mes, kem Gubir. Tanpa menunggunya, Lt Chung berlepas dan AQM tidak sempat ikut bersama. Beliau terselamat kerana 'helmet'...takdir!
I was then in Markas 2 Div as SO 1 Log. I saw the mandi jenazah of Allahyarham Kapt (U) Mustafa Kamal at Kem 2 Div in Penang and sembahyang jenazah.
With this kind of cruelty do we still want Chin Peng to come back to Malaysia? He better not otherwise somebody will take revenge and kill him.
Kepada mereka yang terlibat atau mengetahui insiden ini...marilah kongsi bersama cerita anda itu.
22 ulasan:
Tanggal 26 April akan menjelma kembali. Setakat ini blog tuan telah memaparkan kisah silam mereka yang menaburkan jasa pada negara dan tanah air dan ada yang terkorban meninggalkan kenangan kepada keluarga yang di tinggalkan dan ada yang masih berkeliaran di bumi Malaysia ini, mungkin masih terbayang segala apa yang berlaku 34 tahun dahulu atau pun hanya berkhayal as "out of mind...out of sight.
Nampak nya tiada kedengaran langsung komen atau pun celoteh mereka dari ATM yang diam seribu bahasa. Kenapa agak nya tuan? Atau pun mereka tidak peduli!!! Panglima Angkatan Tentera tu bekas general TUDM kalau tak salah saya. Sedih nya hati melihat wira yang 'out of mind...out of sight" yang terpinggir olih negara sendiri.
Dengar cerita dari juruterbang helicopter juga, bahawasa nya Nuri TUDM dan juruterbang nya juga pernah bertugas di Cambodia, hebat juga ya tuan kerana TUDM mengibar bendera negara dalam misi UN tersebut. Tapi dengar khabar nya mereka ini pun "out of mind...out of sight". Melopong saja lah kot.
Saudara Anonymous,
Walau pun coretan saya ini dipandang remeh oleh pihak berwajib, tetapi saya anggap ianya telah berjaya kerana ada pembaca seperti anda yang berminat untuk mengetahui sejarah silam yang tidak diajar di sekolah.Saya yakin anda sekarang lebih 'mencintai' negara kita Malaysia yang satu ini. Dan, menghargai mereka yang telah berkorban demi untuk kedaulatan negara.
Nuri pernah dihantar ke Kampuchea dibawah panji-panji PBB. Juga, terlibat semasa membantu mangsa tsunami di Acheh.Tidak lupa, turut dalam operasi menentang 'lanun' Somalia di Lautan India.
Amat menyedihkan kerana kisah pengorbanan wira-wira kita tidak dipublisitikan untuk pengetahuan orang ramai, khususnya orang awam generasi muda..banyak mana sangat buku-buku tentang perjuangan wira-wira kita masa darurat atau apa-apa konflik...kalu filem atau drama, mmg tak payah cakap...Cuba tengok budaya barat, mereka memang menyanjung wira-wira mereka semasa perperangan dunia kedua, vietnam sehinggalah perang teluk, lihatlah berapa banyak buku-buku di kedai buku dan filem tentang perjuangan perwira mereka...
You related a 34 years episode 1...what a nostalgic feeling with your blog background music that touches deep into the feeling of nostalgia and any one who was there 34 years ago can surely visualize the real live drama that took place in one of the forgotten history in our nation building.
You are great my friend!!! though the Armed Forces especially the top leadership of the Air Force and the minister and his merry men don't give a thought about it but your perseverance will prevail one of this day. Insya'ALLAH.
The tragedy of the 26 April, even though had been erased in the RMAF history (think so!!!)but with your blog now it will never be forgotten hopefully once and for all.
34 years down the memory lane!!! There are many soldiers/airmen who are categorized in the "out of mind...out of sight" still striving to make their end needs, and there are those who left their families and friends in the name of "berkorban kerana negara". For Whatever its worth, it is time for the authority to acknowledge and recognize those deserving lots.
Good Luck brother!!! keep on making birdies!!!
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for your comments. The least I can do is to document it in my blog lest it will be forgotten forever. Birdie depends on LUCK...Bogey pun dah happy.
Apa yang hendak di hairankan. Kebanyakan General yang ada sekarang belum commissioned lagi semasa kejadian tersebut, Depa dok kat sekolah lagi.
atau pun sedang di lanyak dek senior kat Sebatang Karah/ RMC....
I was at Horbart kem, doing our retraining before being deployed to Gubir and later to Sadao Thailand.
Dear Saudara Nor,
Thanks for reminding me of the Gubir incident. Mej Rejab and Kapt Sulaiman were both with me serving 6 Royal Malay Regiment. Mej Rejab later joined me as G3 Ops in HQ 6 Bde before he was appointed the MIO. Just can't forget these two great friends of mine. Alfatihah
,,,perhaps, i should relate a few more challenging flights during ops gubir whereby 21 x different times our choppers were hit by the bloody CTs !. My chopper was never hit since I always flew very low and darm close to the trees since I was very familier with the LPs, coming in from odd approaches to confuse the bloody enemy. In fact they were firing from the tree tops and I was hoping to blow them down with my Nuri down wash !. By Hell, and I hoped that we probably did so !.
,,,unfortunately, my log book is still somewhere in the boxes yet to be unpacked BUT here is another incident whereby I had to fly into the jungle LP at night for medevac A case !. Upon my instruction, the ground troops fired flares to light up the area for my final approach as well as take-off from the LP on top of a small hill, with my chopper landing lights pointing towards the landing zone and darmed CTs having a jolly time firing their hearts out.
,,,yes indeed, we were very short of remaining un-shot choppers then, as such we had to operate past last light hours many a tmes, in ferrying the injured to Penang Hospital too.
,,,You can imagine hitting more than 100 flying hours within 10 x days of ops. flying, so approx. 30%of it were done at night after official last lights. The gubir camp landing zone was lighted up using the Land Rovers front lights provided by the Army guys and rotor running refuelling non stop, sorties after sorties to send the troops across, while having lunch in the cockpit day in day out during the daylight hours.
,,,we were very determined together with the fighting troops to capture the CTs camp, which we did finally. Indeed, we were actually operating across the Thai border too, with the thai villages placed between us and the CTs by the CTs themselves, such we had to at times hold our return fire, resulting in more of our choppers been shot at freely.
,,,our fighter jets were put in the air too, when the Thai. govn. tried to stop our ops. across their border in our 'hot persuit' of the enemy.
,,,In fact, not many realised that we almost went to war with the Thai military during the Gubir Operations too. Our F5 fighter jets were armed to the teeth, ready to take on the Thai jets if they had objected further !.
,,,The situation was very very tense indeed but we were prepared to die for King and Country, which many did unfortunately !.
,,,My sincere salute to all that did finally.
(note; so it was Lt Chung that captained the shot chopper and not Capt Choo, as i had always thought so-lah !.)
Assalamualaikum Dato',
How I wish this tragedy is documented in the form of short documentary film and book! My experiences with 6 RAMD were during Selamat Sawadee at Kroh. The CO then was Lt Col Hashim 'Belanda'.
Dear Sharif,
Wow...100 hours within a week...A real achievement! MARUD refused to extend after I exhausted the additional 10 hours to the monthly 60 hours. I'll be more than happy to 'paste' your stories in my blog.
Dear Nor,
Thanks for bringing out this story and for reminding me of my two great friends i.e. Maj Haris and Kapt Sulaiman. Both served with me in 6 Royal Malay Regiment, and Haris once again with me in 6 Bde as the G3 Ops before talking up a position as the MMLO upon being promoted to a Major.
From the comments, I can say that this incident can be made into a book for; least it is not forgotten.
Once again, thanks to you Nor and hopefully our politicians gets to read your story.
,,,till this day, my only regret is that I should be the one to show/familier both of the fresh crews the operational area BUT I was ordered to fly back to RMAF Kuantan for a/c servicing plus I had far exceeded my flying hours then...and to R&R with the young baby family of mine.
,,,Capt Choo, as per his normal self assured me that they will be o.k. and I can still remember the last hand shakes, we had before we said good bye !. (sorry, tersebak right now). He had taken my place the final time, remembering the other recent ops. where he acted as decoy to be shot at, while I deployed the troops via winching, since the absailing ropes were caught by the over 150 ft hanging branches.
,,,those were the days, with my squadron mates !. I still wake up with nightmares of many other incidents, to this very day at times.
,,,do anyone cares ?. Except for Jane, my dog on the island I guess !. I pray that this country don't go down to the dogs too.
Salam Tuan!
Baru tgk posting tak sat...gka tak salah..pd 23 Apr 1976...saya dan Tim Pemusnah Jerangkap Samar Tambahan dari 3 Skn Jutra d terbang msk ke Kem PK tu oleh squad saya Capt(Air) Sharif(uban)...Lt Ibrahim IO 3RAMD tu senior 2 thn d STAR Ipoh sama hostel Red House..Kapt Haris Rejab tu dtg ziarah saya d Hosp Alor Star pd ptg 25 Apr 1976...dia dlm perjalanan dari Hadyai ke Mk 6 Bgd di Sg Petani...saya amat terkejut bila gambarnya d dlm akhbar..antara yg terrkorban..gitu juga Lt (Air) Wan Munsif x RAJD pernah ambilalih projek d kwsn 8 Bgd Kelantan...yg tggl hanya kenangan..AL FATIHAH buat para Roh mereka..! Tk
Dear Sharif,
Actually, how many Nuri were involved in the Gubir ops? When you flew back to Kuantan, there were 2 sets of crew, ie, # 7 & # 10Sqns. Where was Choo's Nuri since he was on board Chang's heli..was it at Butterworth Base?
All this while I thought #7 Sqn crew were replacing Chang. He flew them to familiarize them before flying back to Kuantan.
,,,No.7 Sqn. just send across their aircrew initially as relief crews only, but not with their choppers, if i remembered correctly. We had lots of choppers then but many were just down for repairs after being shot at by the CTs. We were counting how many bullet holes, each time during our turn around checks yaa !!.
,,,both, Lt Chung and Capt Choo crews were new relief replacements and Capt. Murad's chopper was to be flown back after in-field repairs for the 139 bullet holes suffered on site at Gubir Ops. Lt Chung joined us after supporting Ops Bamboo or Ops Gonzales area for the Police Field Force.
,,,That was initially my last role to perform BUT I had busted my flying hours as such Capt Choo was detailed to ferry her back to RMAF Butterworth and I was instructed to ferry my chopper back to RMAF Kuantan for servicing on special extension hours too etc to take my R&R and also my poor wife was expecting our 1st child too!.
,,,in fact,almost daily our choppers came back with battle wounds, imagine 21 choppers were shot and hit during the entire Gubir Ops but some were shot more than once yaa i.e. on different days after being patched up.
,,,perhaps, you can get Capt Murad to disclose his battle experiences too?.
,,,AND Capt Kalid Ali with his gunship escort plus blowing a round of 20 mm cannon shell in the Alouette 111, since the gun barrel was red hot from firing at the CTs while I come in for my final approaches. Plus the unmanned LPs that were booby trapped by the cunning CTs, which he burnt off with more than the required rounds hehehe !. His unexploded 20 mm rounds at the LPs were at times an extra hazard to both our Nuri and deploying troops ! hahaha.
,,,the CTs learnt not to mess around with our Nuri and Alouette gunship excorts with Capt. Kalid on the control too.
,,,if others think movies of Vietnam gunship is interesting, they should be with us at the frontline...flying directly into enemy fire once their position was exposed, firing our 20 mm and with the our Col Bond's Special Forces Commandos guys shooting out of the Nuri side doors. (will relate another assault together with my good buddy Col Bond later)
,,,one of the Nuri co-pilot even started shooting from his cockpit side window with his M16..that was funny !. Had to stop him cos the hot shells was all over the cockpit floor !. Crazy fellow but interesting chap, I must admit now.
Dear Sharif,
Very interesting story. I wonder who was that co-pilot! I sincerely hope our young pilots will read these comments. I did call Murad for his stories. I hope he has the time to write.
For your info, I sent e-mails to National Archive suggesting that they should make a study on the 'Tragedi 26 April 1976'.
Seingat saya semasa X Skn di turunkan di Pengakalan PK tersebut sebanyak 3 buah Nuri diturunkan serentak. Iaitu Satu yang dinaiki oleh kumpulan saya yang diketuai oleh Ltm Aziz Ahmad (Bersara Lt Kol Co 8 Rjr PARA) Nuri kedua yang menurunkan anggota di di Penghujung Permatang yang juga dibahagian Penghujung Kem PK yang kemudiannya di buatkan LP bagi memudah tugas selanjutnya. Kump ini diketuai oleh Kapt Sudir (OC Skn). Manakala sebuah lagi diatas permatang, yang juga dikawasan Kem. Manakala sebuah lagi diatas Permatang yang juga merupakan bahagian Penghujung Kem, tetapi diatas permatang. Komander yang mengetuai yang menaiki Nuri ketiga saya tak pasti. Tiga Buah Nuri dan 2 atau 3 biji Alloutte yang bertindak sebagai Pengiring yang juga Gunship Aircraft. (Jumlah Alloutte tidak pasti samadaa 2 atau 3).
Sebelum Kump serangan kami diturunkan dilakukan, mengikut taklimat diberikan tembakan Meriam 105mm dan juga bantuan tembakan dan Penguguran Bomb 500 pounder oleh F5E dan juga Jet tebuan digunakan. Apa yang diperhatikan kesan tembakan dan penguguguran Bom itu amat minima kepada kawasan persekitaran. Kalau mengikutkan senario ketika itu seolah-olah seperti peperangan di Vietnam sahaja.
Serangan itu juga merupakan 'Show of Forces' kepada pihak PK dengan mengunakan Operator Khusus, Kuasa tembakan, Pesawat Udara termasuk Jet pejuang yang ada ketika itu.
(Tergiang-giang ditelinga saya semasa Taklimat yang berikan oleh GOC ketika itu Mej Jen Dato Mahmood Sulaiman. Antara kata-kata, "Penugasan sdra ini adalah untuk memberi keyakinan dan morale kepada ATM, kerana tugas ini adalah antara hidup dan mati (berjaya atau tidak)"
X CO 8 Ranger is Lt Kol Aziz Rashid.
Pembetulan....Saya yang 'Typo error'.
,,,your music and song gets me everytime i open your blog...tersebak Yeop Oii !!.
,,,i can still recalled the fighting spirit and our determination to wipe out the CTs, knowing fully well that we were across the Thai border and them thinking thay they had a safe heaven to withdraw after taking pot shots at us !. We redrew the border and flew in directly into their bloody camp cos we were pissed off. The Thais military were quick to realise that we were across in their border and their fighters were sent acoss South but they were not interested to help out to rid of the CTs, so we continued with our mission with our fighter jets backing up the troops and choppers plus to tidy up the ground before our ground assault. Mind you the area were laid with thousands of booby traps yaa !.
,,,what really pissed me off, were the Thai civilians were placed inbetween us and the CTs by the CTs, as such many a times we had to hold back our return fires and got shot at freely by the enemy.
,,,Later, I was on flt.ops stand-by during the pull out of our ground troops and believe me the situation was very very tense cos. we had to ensure that the CTS were not around to set their standard ambush plus the Thai. fighter jets were holding back from making the situation worse. But our fighter boys were ready to engage in air to air combat if needed be !.
,,,all these events were recorded by our frontline ops. officers and am sure the Army too has much official records of the various tense events. Our politicians were no where seen at the frontline but apparently K.L./Bangkok were busy talking to settle to border crossing issues, under the 5 nm hot persuit arrangement/agreement cross border understanding. BUT I knew exactly how far we went !.
Salam Tuan!
Banyak butiran menyerlah keupayaan dan kemampuan kita melawan PK masa tu dalam keadaan serba kurang!
Doa dan harapan moga Allah memberkati apa yang telah kita lakukan ,Insyaallah.
Kepada Abah!
Mohon hubungi saya di talian 017-2050 119...saya juga terlibat dalam Op Gubir 2 tu.Terima kasih.
i was in form 3 when i heard abt
the nuri incident, i was staying at
kem lapangan terbang sg patani
that time my father was the station
staff officer there (mej Ramasamy)
it was a tragic day of all of us
i know kapt sulaiman and meh haris rejab, my neighbours.i was there at the pilot funeral too at the kem.
thank you
Catat Ulasan