
Ahad, 19 Ogos 2018

Rundingan Baling: Di Belakang Tabir - Bahagian xxxxii

Bersambung dari SINI...

Marshall: And Singapore National Forces and Federation and Singapore Navy - that sort of thing?

Tunku: You mean that if Singapore doesn't get control of internal security and the Federation does...

Marshall: Don't assume that, Tungku. Forgive me, Tungku, my Government will not remain in power if we don't get control of internal security.

Tunku: I have got make my point because I am going to London before you.

Assuming the Federation gets control of internal security and national defence and Singapore doesn't, would you give up the struggle, or would you want both territories to get it before you give up?

Marshall: May I put it this way. The Tungku is coming back in February, and he expects to have complete  control of internal security by February. I will be going in April and will expect to be back in early May, and ewe expect then to have control of internal security. So the question is, if the Federation gets it in February, will you come out in February without waiting for Singapore, because we going to be three months later?

Tunku: The fighting is in the Federation.

Marshall: Forgive me for interrupting but I want this to be clear - I will say it again.

The Tungku is going to London the day after tomorrow and he will be coming back February 12th or 15th, and he will have then an agreement that he will have control of the internal security and national defence. He stands or falls by that. I am going in April. I will come back by mid-May, and if I do not have control of internal security and national defence I am going out - the Government is going out. So the question is, you see, there will be three months' difference between February and May - if in February the Federation has got control of internal security and national defence will you come out without waiting for Singapore?

Chin Peng: If Tunku obtained control in matters concerning internal security in February - and national defence - then we will stop our hostilities at once and we will not wait for the result of Mr. Marshall's mission.

Or armed forces are called "National Liberation Army". When we have attained our object, in other words, when this country is already liberated, then there is no point continuing the existence of this army.

Marshall: I agree.

Chin Peng: But by that time will we still be subject to investigations?

Tunku:  That another point. Would you ask for any terms before you throw down your arms?

Chin Peng: This question is very simple. The answer is very simple. If the M.C.P. is recognised, if members of the M.C.P. are not subject to detention and investigation, they can throw down their arms at once. The question of weapons can be solved easily. (Interpreter: I don't know what they actually mean by that).  

The downing of arms does not mean that the arms will be handed in (repeats) is not equivalent to the handing over  of arms to Government. 

May I repeat: the downing of weapons is not equivalent to the handing over of weapons to Government.

Tunku: They want to keep their arms?

Chin Peng: If only the M.C.P. is recognised; if only we are  not subject to restriction of our liberty, it is possible for us to surrender our weapons,

Marshall:  Now?

Chin Peng: After Tunku's return form London when he has attained his aims.

I maintain that what I have said just now is quite correct. Because the conditions laid down in the proclamation - in the Amnesty declaration - is that the downing of arms is not surrender of arms.

Tunku:  I don't quite follow his for the moment. It would convey to me the meaning that because in the amnesty terms there is a mention of the laying down of arms - it means that when they surrender they would still be allowed to keep their arms,

Chin Peng:  That is how we interpret t it.

Tunku:  Oh, no, it is not. The conditions are obvious. If, after you surrender, pi were jot happy with certain things it would mean that you could again take up arms if you do not surrender your weapons.

Chin Peng:  That being so, then we have misinterpreted the terms.

Marshall:  At first I understood them  to say that as soon as the Federation gets control on internal security and local armed forces, they will come out. Mr. Chen Tien, I will read out this note to you and then I will hand it to you: "As soon as the Federation obtains control of internal security and local armed forces we will end hostilities, lay down our arms and disband our forces." Would you initial that because I wan to issue it to the Press.

(Paper passed to Communist side. Catatan Marshall dalam dakwat hijau: "That as soon as the elected Government of the Federation obtains complete control of internal security and local armed forces, we will end hostilities, lay down our arms and disband our army") 

Chin Peng:  The question is: If we disband our army, are we also subjected to investigation?

Tunku:  That I sill have to decade later; I won't say it now. I am only talking now on our Amnesty offer. I will have to get a further mandate form the Alliance National Council and the U.M.N.O. General Assembly.

Marshall: Do they accept that?

Chin Peng: I will accept that with an amendment.

Marshall: Perhaps Mr. Chen Tien would like to put the amendment on the paper.

Chin Peng:  I will accept it with an amendment: "that is not equal to the fact that we accept the terms of the Amnesty."

Tunku:  Quite right: I understand. You mean provided it does not mean surrendering under the terms of the Present Amnesty? The present Amnesty terms are only going to be on offer for about another month form today. If there is to a further Amnesty, it may be different. The present Amnesty cannot go on for ever. It has got to end at some time. 

Sumber: Dr. Nik Anuar, op. cit., hlm. 67

Marshall:  The note with amendments now reads: "That as soon as the elected Government of the Federation obtains complete control of internal security and local armed forces, we will end hostilities, lay down our arms and disband our army. It does  not amount to accepting the present Amnesty terms." (Pindaan oleh Chen Tien). Are we to understand that you are not prepared now to consider the question of the present Amnesty terms or any extension of them or any amelioration of them?

Chin Peng: No.

Cukup le untuk hari ini. Bersambung, in syaa Allah.

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