Saya terbaca tulisan ini dalam forum 'Kelab Veteran ATM'....
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bekas seorang anggota Batalion ke 22 Rejimen Gerak Khas iaitu 1033876 Lance Koperal Che Poh @ Kamaruzaman bin Che Kob. Jobless kerana komplikasi penyakit kronik. Tinggal di Kg Baharu Besut Trengganu. JKM bagi RM200 untuk dirinya dan RM 150 utk isterinya. RM 350 sebulan utk menyara anak kecil 2 orang dan membeli ubatan.. |
FROM: nor ibrahim sulaiman
TO: KP Veteran
CC: dollah hamzah
Sunday, 18 September 2011 8:43 PM
FROM: nor ibrahim sulaiman
TO: KP Veteran
CC: dollah hamzah
Sunday, 18 September 2011 8:43 PM
Assalamualaikum YBhg Dato',
Saya terbaca kisah yang menyedihkan tentang anggota perkara tajuk dalam forum 'Kelab Veteran ATM'. Difahamkan, anggota berkenaan menghadapi kesempitan dalam menghadapi kehidupan seharian. L/Kpl Che Poh telah tamat perkhidmatan selama10 tahun dalam 22 RGK pada 1990. Beliau seterusnya telah kembali ke kampung kelahirannya di Kelantan. Menurut rencana yang disiarkan dalam majalah "Perajurit" isu Julai 2007, beliau pernah mendapat rawatan di hospital Melaka dan Kota Baru disebabkan masalah tekanan jiwa. Juga, beliau turut menghadapi penyakit 'gout' yang memerlukan rawatan berterusan.
Menurut penulis rencana majalah tersebut, L/Kpl Che Poh menerima bantuan RM100 sebulan daripada JKM. Ini petikan tulisan penulis berkenaan '...
Penulis berharap JHEV, KVKM atau pun PBTM boleh meninjau secara khusus permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi Che Poh. Walaupun sebelum ini permasalahan ini tidak dimaklumkan. Apapun sebab dan alasannya fungsi persatuan-persatuan terbabit atas dasar menjaga kebajikan pesara harus merendah diri untuk turun padang sejajar dengan sumpah perajurit Komando yang Kedua Belas yang berbunyi “Saya Akan Mengharumkan Nama Bere Hijau dan Rakan-rakan Seperjuangan Yang Memakainya Hingga Akhir Hayat Saya” rasanya amat terkilan dengan kisah ini dan mungkin ramai lagi yang belum tampil atau belum dikesan. Che Poh yang kini boleh dihubungi di alamat No 1A, Kampong Baharu, Jalan Gong Manok, 22300 Kuala Besut. Trengganu . No Telefon: ibunya Aminah 0199203810. Sekian.'
Sebagai seorang yang sungguh prihatin terhadap kebajikan veteran, saya berharap pihak Dato' dapat membantu anggota berkenaan bagi meringankan kepahitan kehidupan yang terpaksa beliau lalui ketika menjamah usia senja. Sekiranya pihak Dato' sudah pun mengambil tindakan...Terima kasih.
From: Zul Mazlan
To: nor ibrahim sulaiman
Sent: Sunday, 18 September 2011 10:56 PM
Salam Tuan, slmt hari raya dan maaf zahir batin. Terima kasih diatas maklumat tentang kisah veteran che poh itu. Saya arahkan pgh jhev kelantan /tganu utk susuli kes ini dan harap jhev dpt membantu beliau dgn sebaik mungkin, insyallah.
M/Gen Dato Zul
M/Gen Dato Zul
Saya harap pihak JHEV akan mengambil tindakan positif bagi membantu meringankan bebanan kehidupan yang terpaksa dilalui oleh L/Kpl Che Poh, terutama dari aspek kewangan, insyaAllah.
10 ulasan:
bagus,teruskan usaha ini, pihak kerajaan dan agensi-agensinya kena ketuk baru diaorang nak bertindak,kalau tidak depa tidur....cukup tahun bising sana-sini mintak bonus...
Salam Tuan Nor Ibrahim,
Good commendable act Tn Nor Ibrahim. Cant agree more as what mentioned by roger rabbit. Moreover the Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans Act is to ensure the welfare
of ex-serviceman, including those without the hope they would be better taken care of. Anyway, my apologies for my asking why was that those less than 21 years of service are not qualify to be in the group to receive such welfare of this veterans Tn? Don't they, regardless how long it may be, did also served in the ATM, and most importantly safeguard the country too. Its just like an orchestra, a little instrument matters to perform a good tune as well. To leave and ignore these lots of 'less 21' is sheer negligence of their sacrifice too, alongside with those that qualifies...Oh dear, thousand apologies for my being so naive in this and might triggers anger from some. Excuse me for i'm no military background in person. Am just curious about this which once came out in the paper quite some time ago. Maaf ya Tuan Nor Ibrahim.
mohon permisi untuk share tuan
Salam, saudara dan tuan.
Sometime malu dengan tahap kemajuan negara kita apabila mendengar cerita pasal kesusahan bekas-bekas angota tentera. We have sent our people to space, sailed accross the world, climbed mount everest , won back the thomas cup and what ever except winning the World Cup. But we are still facing the problem on welfare for the veteran. This country need to look back on this issue and find the remedy to cure it. On the other hand, we the veteran must also be aware that we have served this country because we wanted to do so. Nobody forced us to do it. When we left, it was on our own accord. And remember that once before we wore the proud emblem of the Malaysia Armed Forces and we are also responsible even after retirement to take care of the standard. We even need to work harder outside so that we don't have to depend on charity. For those without pension like me, we have to work twice as hard as those with pensions. Charity is a bonus and we could no depend on that solely. I have been in the outside world for almost 12 years and from what I've seen, most of our lower rank could not compete with the people outside. Many factors contributed to this such as attitude, skill either technical or management, bearings and much more. Ex Officers are having a better chance of being able to compete because of TRAINING and also the unwritten law of being an officer, applying the Code of Conduct with what we call INITIATIVE. The most hated word in the officer service but the most practical word in the outside world.
Therefore, I would suggest the following for the other rank in the service :
1. Everybody have to serve for 21 years so that they can get their pension. Only disciplinary cases to be omitted. Other thing such medical, permanent injury, disability either physically or mentally, those who think they are great and can do better outside or any other stupid thing, they have to serve 21 years. Mk ATM can do or have to do it.
2. Veteran Affair or JKM need to assist them to become independent rather that prolong charity.
3. Organize and train the Ex Service to become contractor, supplier or manufacturer for the Armed Forces. Billion of RM given to the non ex service while our ex service are getting RM 350 per month on welfare. (Kontrak Potong rumput dalam kem askar RM 5000 sebulan pun bagi kat civillian).
4. Reorganize back Veteran Administration and start updating database of the ex service. Create a new wing to tackle this issue. Find the problem before being reported by other. Those days we had 200 2 Lt commissioned with salary of RM 700 per month per person in one year and now we have 300 Capt commissioned with salary of RM 2500 per month annually. If the ATM management is capable of changing 2 Lt to Capt upon commissioning, managing the Veteran should not be as hard as we think.
All these are not as easy to be executed as being said. But it is the prevention method. We have to start somewhere but we need to start. Only Quran and the date we die could not be change. Other than that is possible. The Green Beret is the most proud emblem in the Army and only the best will wear it. And being authorized to wear it comes with a great responsibility beyond normal people expectation. It is very sad to see, an ex Green Beret has to live on welfare.
Capt (Rtd)
Briged Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Officer
21st Special Service Group
Kem Sg Udang 1995-1998
Saudara roger rabbit,
Terima kasih. Mana yang boleh ditolong, tolonglah....itu masa dia.
Dear nur_emyinda12,
Thank you. If I'm not mistaken, the government is looking at the terms of service. Maybe those who serve less than 21 years would be eligible for pension. Wait & see.
Saudara KOBAT,
Dear Capt (Rtd),
It saddens me whenever I read xservice personnel having their problems, particularly financial aspects, highlighted in the mass media. I'd written a short article in 'Perajurit' entitled 'Anggota Tentera LLP...21 Tahun Kemudian!'. I don't think people even bother to read it.
Sdr Nor,
I just heard on TVjuvir 1 Live adress by Maj Gen Zulkfli Nazlan Pengarah Vetran that there will be NO pension for those who serve less than 21 years.
salam untuk semua,
Buat ketika ini, ex-service boleh di ibaratkan seperti melukut di tepi gantang. Seperti yg kita sedia maklum, apa apa perubahan disegi peraturan perlukan kesungguhan pihak berwajib. kalau pihak berwajib yg berkuasa tak berapa minat dalam hal hal kebajikan ex, sampai kiamat pun ianya tidak akan diperolihi oleh ex.
Salam Tuan
Mula-mula nak masuk tentera, mereka layan kita mcm anak emas. Semua disediakan sampai seluar dalam pun dibekalkan. Dokumentasi semua disediakan, kita main tenyeh sign saja.
Bila nak habis service, mereka tendang kita mcm bola, pi panjat bangunan sana sini, mengadap pegawai sana sini, dokumentasi akhir semua kena buat sendiri. Salah ejaan sikit ajer, kena penerajang buat lain. Klu pegawai pun kena mcm tu, LLP lagi laaaa....
Dah tamat service, you are nothing. JHEV pun kekadang buleh kata mereka tiada rekod. Memanjang dok suruh kita ni pi uodate rekod berulang kali sampai naik cemuih dah.
Rasanya tidak salah kalau saya katakan tahap komitmen peg dan anggota sekarang ni hanyalah utk dapat gaji bila cukup bulan. Setakat cakap kosong kononnya kerana ingin mempertahankan agama, negara, bangsa bla... bla... bla... anak kecil pun buleh main api. Selfish is the best word to describe them. Just imagine, after 13 years in service, pegawai Navy tak pernah dok kapal. Tentera laut ka tentera di darat. Keras sebagai MTO ajer. Ada yg jadi CO kapal CB-90 tapi tiada kelayakan mengendali combat boat tu, bermakna kata, dia ada ka tak da ka, PO pun buleh bawa bot tu.
I believe their morale is very down now. Serve for the sake of ada pendapatan bulanan. Masuk jadi pegawai pun kerana tiada peluang kerja lain. No wonder bangsa lain tak suka masuk askar & polis. Better berniaga dari awal biar kecil lama-lama berkembang juga.
KERAjaan seharusnya perlu memikirkan permasalahan ini daripada dok kalut beli aset yg mahai2. Kapal selam tak buleh menyelam, kapal KD Pari yg tak buleh menyelam tetiba karam kerana shaft buleh patah dan/atau hilang. Beli jet tapi spesifikasi tak cukup utk berperang, lebih pada tujuan latihan ajer
Story kartun aper semua nih???
Politician kita ni mmg..nak kene bg jadi perang br bole beli barang canggih tgh aman sbb tu la brg nk beli pun cut off je..rase ptt la darurat bg ade hikmah gak la darurat berlaku..dpt gak aset byk sket..kalo x mmg dr merdeka smpai ke la ni pakai rajawali lg la kot...
Memang betul kata tuan(Kamal Sanusi)nak masuk macam2dapat tunggu di stesen keretapi bawa pergi kem, tapi masa buat documentasi akhir... tulis borang duduk tepi longkang ade yang kene tegur pulak olih young L/kpl ponggos.....nasib baik dlm kawasan Mindef,kalau luar x tau lah ,inilah yang dapat pasal tu non malays x minat joint armforces
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