
Jumaat, 28 Disember 2012

Mendokumentasi Pengalaman

Saya terima keratan akhbar berikut daripada Lt Kol Basri Omar (B)...
Surat pembaca dalam akhbar 'The Star' pada 25 Dis 2012

Apa yang cuba diketengahkan oleh penulis ialah 'to recognise' =  diiktiraf/dihargai. Pada saya, salah satu pengiktirafan terhadap pengorbanan para wira ialah mengabadikan pengalaman mereka supaya generasi akan datang mengetahui wira-wira mereka sendiri. Kaedahnya termasuk mendokumentasikannya di Arkib Negara Malaysia (ANM). Untuk itu, saya telah menghantar emel berikut kepada ANM.....

Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 2:15 PM

Berhubung perkara di atas, saya ingin mencadangkan agar pihak ANM menganjur majlis tersebut. Sepertimana yang Puan sedia maklum, ramai wira yang tidak didendang tergolong 'OKU'  dan terpaksa mengharungi kehidupan dengan kecacatan anggota badan sepanjang hayat. Keadaan yang tidak dipinta ini adalah angkara kedurjanaan pengganas komunis di era insurgensi. Rakyat perlu menyedari kenikmatan yang mereka kecapi dewasa kini bukannya datang dengan percuma. Ia adalah hasil pengorbanan segolongan rakyat yang sedia berkorban nyawa dan raga demi mempertahankan kedaulatan negara. 

Saya percaya ramai daripada mereka masih hidup dan mungkin sedia kongsi bersama pengalaman mereka untuk diabadikan di ANM. Pada saya, adalah satu kerugian besar kepada negara jika tiada tindakan diambil untuk mendokumentasi pengalaman yang tidak boleh dinilai dengan wang ringgit, berkubur dengan jasad nanti. Malang sekali jika generasi akan datang dan para penyelidik sejarah terpaksa membaca tulisan rakyat asing untuk mendapatkan bahan rujukan terhadap sejarah negara dan wira-wira mereka sendiri. 

Berikut di'link'kan di antara coretan-coretan berkaitan dengan kisah-kisah mereka yang tercedera: 

Sekian untuk pertimbangan pihak Puan. Terima kasih.


Pada 27 Disember, saya telah menghubungi bos ANM bertanyakan pandangan beliau terhadap cadangan saya itu. Responsnya agak memberangsangkan. Menurut beliau, pada dasarnya ANM bersetuju dengan cadangan itu, syukur alhamdulillah. Beliau menyaran saya menamakan 3-4 wira-wira yang tergolong OKU untuk penyelidikan mereka selanjutnya. Saya telah memberi nama-nama yang terlintas dalam kepala saya. Sebelum itu, saya telah menghubungi 4 orang bertanyakan sama ada mereka sedia menjadi ahli panel, jika diundang.  Kecuali seorang yang menolak, 3 setuju. Saya tidak pasti siapa yang ANM akan jemput, tidak semestinya mereka yang saya cadangkan itu. Jangan lupa, agensi tersebut boleh dapatkan ahli-ahli panel dari lain-lain sumber, seperti JHEV, wallahualam.

Tugas saya sudah selesai. Sekarang semuanya terpulang kepada ANM. Kalau ianya menjadi kenyataan, syukur alhamdulillah. Itu adalah satu pengiktiran bagi saya di atas usaha saya ini. Ingatlah, terpulanglah kepada kita sendiri - para veteran - untuk membuat sesuatu sekiranya mahu sumbangan kita terhadap pembangunan negara dihargai oleh rakyat. Kalau kita sendiri asyik duk diam saja, manalah rakyat nak tahu, wallahulam!

4 ulasan:

Arunzab berkata...

I feel we should not get too carried away with what has been written by Liew Shan Lee. I remember far back in 1980-1982 when I was the 2i/c Camp Mindef there were many soldiers/ officers who were injured during operations and were posted to Mindef . They were well looked after and were given desk duties. When they retired a pre- discharge medical board was done and they were granted a reasonable medical pension on the top of their pension. Since then much has changed for the better with the forming the Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran ATM (JHEV) where every opportunity is given to veterans to better their lives.

It is wrong and irresponsible to say that in this day and time there are countless former soldiers that have to resort to begging to make ends meet. Who are these countless soldiers that he is referring to? He than complains about former Commonwealth soldiers being the only ones receiving the PJM award while our soldiers are being denied of such an Honour. He is wrong again as all our soldiers who are qualified are being given the award in stages.

As far as EX-LT VICTOR ANTHONY is concerned he was a mobilized TA officer and was granted a medical pension based on the then prevailing Malay Regiment and Federation Regiment Act, Volunteer Forces (Compensation) Rules 1955 and The Malay Regiment And The Federation Regiment (Retired Pay, Pensions, Gratuities And Other Grants) Regulations 1952.
Since these regulations do not allow to increments as given to the other pensioners he should appeal to JHAV for special consideration for funds, which I am sure will be favorably considered.

The recognition that this writer seek to portray is more about about medals and monetary awards.

Nor Ibrahim berkata...

Waalaikmussalam Saudara Ezwanrahimy,

Terima kasih. Tak sia-sialah saya membebel selama ini. Anda telah memulakan langkah pertama, alhamdulillah. Bila ekonomi bertambah baik, terus melabur. Saya doakan agar anda berjaya, insyaAllah.


Mej. Dr. Nor Ibrahim bin Sulaiman PTU TUDM (B) berkata...

Dear Arunzab,

Thank you for your comments. You're right if what the writer implied that xLt Victor Anthony should be given PJM, then Victor should approach JHEV. Through my 'encounters' with the current KP, he has time to spare to hear grouses of the veterans. To me, it's our duty to inform the agency if we need their assistance. It's quite impossible for them to access >300k veterans.

In fact, I'd suggested to KP that JHEV should also play a role as 'nominator' for Federal/State awards. After all, they're the 'apex' of all organisations of the veterans, wallahualam. Of course, the numerous persatuan/yayasan/kelab could nominate their members but.....!!!

Danny Liew berkata...

Hello Maj Nor and Arunzab,
First, allow me to apologize if what I had written hurt your feelings. I might have generalized the situations faced by veterans.
I had seen a man carrying a cardboard paper claiming he was a veteran that had been neglected. And I had read others seen such sights before. In hindsight, I could have approach him to verifyhis claims.
I have also read that a veteran had no fund to return to his hometown in Sarawak. A fellow retired ranger paid for his fare.
These are but a few of the cases that I have read.
Another veteran even showed me his savings passbook showing crediting of funds followed by a deduction, for about a year.
While the system have cracks, it has served well for most veterans.
While I'm happy that what I wrote may have helped to get these documented into our history vault, I thank too that I learnt a valuable lesson here. But more importantly, thank you to both of you fpr serving our country.

Yours sincerely,
Liew Shan Lee

PS - sorry for the very late reply. I just found your comments today. Any further advice you may send it to and I will be more than happy to learn from you.