Pembaca...Saya terima e-mel berikut (tanpa edit) daripada seorang xAQM pesawat Caribou yang ada kaitan dengan cerita ini.

...Looks like you have written about toilet problem in our C-130 & Caribou. (Gambar-cabin Caribou).
I cannot recall any passengers having tummy problems but I myself in my 13 years flying the Caribou had to declare mayday on 3 occasion. On the C-130, it was not a problem as a toilet was available for emergency purposes. We tried not to use it as the Cabin would smell as there was no permanent partition but only Fabric.
The first time on the Caribou was on a Sabah schedule flight. Started to have stomach ache enroute from Tawau to KK. The moment landed and taxied in to KK old Terminal dispersal, I ran faster than Carl Lewis to the Shell Depot toilet.
The next one was on a flight from Kuching to Labuan with passengers on board. About 10 minutes after passing abeam Bintulu, the ache started and I knew I would not be able to hold until Labuan which was about another 1 hour 30 mins away.
Aircraft Commander Mej Jamari requested for a diversion to land at Miri and I beat Carl Lewis again.
On the third occasion, I had to do Air Drop Supply. It was a training flight from Labuan to Miri and only the 3 crew on board. Closed the sliding door between the cockpit and cabin and did my job at the rear into a big plastic garbage bag. Air dropped the bag before landing Miri.
For VIP/VVIP flights we fitted a portable toilet compartment complete with mirror, wash basin and water in the forward left of cabin just behind the bulkhead separating the cockpit and cabin.
You will remember, we used to carry our Bakat team around and on one occasion one of the ladies could not hold her small water any more. so the crew got her forward into the cockpit, closed the sliding door and ask her to do her job into a garbage bag.
Learning from this experience, I designed a curtain using para seat type material from safety section to partition a section near the ramp door at the back. Into this we placed a portable toilet bowl (like the one in C-130). If there were Bakat on board for long flights and not
too much baggage than there was space for this simple toilet. It was quite popular with them especially on Lab/Kuch/Lab flights.
Eh...Eh...Kesian orang Miri berhujankan t@#i. Saya tak boleh bayangkan terpaksa buka pintu pesawat tengah terbang, bukannya nak tolak rangsum tapi .....He...He...He. Insiden saya OK lah kerana hanya perlu hover dan 'bomb away'.
Caribou...Satu ketika dulu adalah 'workhorses' pesawat sayap-kaku TUDM sebelum kemunculan C130H Hercules. Pewasat ini juga adalah 'talian hayat' untuk mereka yang menduduki di pos-pos pendalaman. Pesawat digunakan untuk menghantar rangsum melalui kaedah 'air drop' dan juga mendarat di mana ada 'grass strips' (gambar kanan-'Forum Panggilan Pertiwi'). Sekarang, No 1 dan No 8 Skuadron tiada lagi pesawat ini dalam inventori setelah dilucutkan tauliahnya pada 2000. (N0 1 Skn - CN235; No 8 Skn - dikuburkan). Pesawat tersebut hanya dalam ingatan sahaja. Agaknya bagaimana sekiranya pilot pesawat pejuang seperti Sukhoi menghadapi masalah ini? Sipilot mesti mendarat dengan kuasa 'supersonic' ke lapangan terbang terdekat...He...He...He.
Caribou di Muzium Tentera Darat, Port Dickson
Saya nak mencadangkan kepada Pak Menteri Sukan, MSM dan KOAM...Sekiranya Malaysia nak menrealisasikan idaman untuk mendapat pingat Sukan Olympic atau mana-mana sukan bertaraf antara bangsa, bekalkan pelari negara dengan JULAB dan PAMPERS dan tentukan mereka memakannya sebelum event tersebut...gerenti pecah rekod. Pelari...Anda sudah terjamin mendapat imbuhan RM1 juta dan pencen RM5K sebulan sepanjang hayat sekiranya anda mempraktikkan petua saya ini dan membawa balik pingat emas Sukan Olympic. He...He...He.
RMAF...What is your 'extra mile' for the poor passengers?
12 ulasan:
Mej, Who was the ex-AQM of the Caribou Aircraft that passed his story
Salam tuan,
Masih cakap pasal tandas dalam C130 ye? Tapi tahukah kita bahawa C130 tu digunakan oleh USAF sebagai gunship? Orang kita sibuk dengan soal tandas hingga ketinggalan dalam mengoptimumkan potensi sebenar sebuah C130 yang boleh dijadikan senjata yang menggerunkan akhirnya nanti hanya akan jadi pesawat yang menggugurkan bom tahi saja. Sori ye saya tersasar sikit....ya ampun!
Saudara Anonymous,
Saya yakin anda kenal AQM dari No 8 Skn tersebut. Biar le beliau sendiri memperkenalkan dirinya.
Saudara FMZam,
Saya tak cakap pasal toilet C130 tapi pesawat Caribou. Setakat ini saya rasa Malaysia tidak memerlukan C130 memainkan peranan 'gunship' dengan 105mm dan Gattling guns. Kalau tak silap saya, pada satu ketika dulu TUDM telah membuat ujian untuk Caribou dijadikan 'gunship'. Tak ingat senjata apa yang mereka gunakan. Kurang pasti keputusannya. Sesiapa yang boleh 'highlight' Projek?
Saya berpendapat saudara boleh menulis topik yang lebih baik lagi selain tandas. Sebagai seorang bekas anggota ATM,tulislah sesuatu yang boleh memberikan menafaat kepada pihak umum dan bukannya isu-isu remeh temeh yang seolah-olah nak menjadikan TUDM sebagai bahan lawak.
Mujurlah diri saya tidak pernah mengalami 'perut meragam' ketika menaiki 'Z plane'.Emmmm, kalau terjadi tak tahu nak kata.
Paling lama saya pernah menaiki 'Z Plane' iaitu penerbangan dari Simpang Airport (Sg Besi)ke Jakarta/ Bandung dengan mengunakan 'Dart Herald' pergi dan balik ketika menghadiri kursus KOPASSUS dan Basic Para. Tak ingat lah pulak 'Dart Herald' ada tandas atau tidak. Dah lupa. Cuma tak boleh ingat 'telinga tak dengar apa-apa semasa didalam pesawat dan selepas mendarat..... Berdengummmmmm
Selain dari itu, alhamdullilah semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.
Project Jentayu. I was not involved in that project done by No.1 Sqn KL.
They mounted the Alout Gun in the Rear, firing through the port pax door.
The F5-E gun was also tried with the gun firing through the No.5 window on the port side. Understand the vibration was too severe during firing.
Project abandonded I think.
Dart Herald memang ada permanent toilet seperti pesawat Fokker 27/50MAS.
I suppose some people are not familiar with "Humor-in-Uniform"
Then, it must be Ex WOI Faizul bin Abdullah.
Ex Boi! memang TUDM bahan lawat!
The level of readiness only tahap tandas pun dah gagal... tak lawak ke?
Ex BOI ,
apala hang ni , lawak sikit pon, hang dah marah....
Betul kata Faisul, Humor in Uniform.
Caribou, bagus untuk buat para jump, dia slow and steady..
Saudara EX BOI,
Terima kasih. Tapi anda mesti ingat, there's always a lighter side to everything and don't forget, laughter is the best medicine. Di India orang terpaksa bayar untuk menjalani terapi untuk membolehkan mereka ketawa. Relaks lah bro! I'm sure it doesn't hurt to have a little bit of humour thrown in occasionally.
Salam tuan2,
Sorry to say out this to those who give comments in blogs....Say out what's in your mind, do not say out what you want others to say what's in your mind...Always remember what honey is to one person is what poison is to another one...and we are what we write not who we are!
Salam to FMZAM n EX BOI..
Apa masalh saudara2 ni sebenarnya?
If u all doesnt like our jokes or just plainly fail to appreciate those kind of humours...just leave us and go on crawl on other blog. Surely both of u never own BAT C 10..and definitely in difference frequency.
Pse respect other people's story n if if doesnt make sense on ur common sense..just peacefully leave this lovely blog.
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