Saya dan 'squad-mate', Lt Kol Robert Rizal Abdullah PGB (B), telah berkomunikasi bermula dengan coretan ini...
18 September 2010 8:47:47...
Just a proposal. Would you like to take the challenge: Make a study of all the PGBs & SPs graves throughout Malaysia - especially on their state and suggest to the government to set up a Heroes Memorial such as Arlington and move all the graves to this National Memorial. I can assist you if you want.
Respons saya pada 19 September 2010 06:55...
Thank you for your proposal. Much as I like to accept your challenge, family commitments are the main constraints. As I stated in my 'coretan', I strongly feel that all those killed in 'real' actions should be buried in the 'National Heroes Memorial'. What I mean by 'real' is that those killed by the enemies and booby traps. As far as I'm concerned, those aircrew killed in aircraft crashes (not due to enemy's fire) were/are not heroes. Each recipient of the 5 Gallantry Awards is guaranteed a plot there, ie, if NOK permits.
Respons Rizal selanjutnya pada 19 September 2010 8:08:18...
I feel someone must take up the cause earnestly - rebury all the PGB and SP dead in a National Heroes War Memorial, ideally located in either KL, Terendak or PD. This could be a tourist attraction as well with its mini museum located within.
I do not know whether I have the strength and stamina to see and carry it out. It will take a couple of years of instant "fight". Let's play it by the ear and circumstances. Definitely we must have a team. No one man can do it.
Saya ambil petikan e-mel Mejar Ishak...
'...beberapa minggu yg lalui saya ada termenonton satu LIVE oleh BBC worldnews....
Kerajaan Perancis telah menjumpai sebuah kubor besar di sebuah daerah. Apabila di siasat didapati kubor itu tertanam beratus ratus tentera British, australia, NZ dan France. Mereka terkorban dan ditanam disitu semasa perang Dunia Pertama. (WW1)
Kerajaan kelima lima negara ini bersetuju membuat sebuah Pusara Pahlawan di daerah tersebut. Pada hari itu semasa saya termenonton LIVE dapat menyaksikan pembukaan rasmi pusara tersebut. Ada satu ceremony, simbolik....mayat di gali dari kubor besar dibawa dengan kereta kuda dan masukan dalam kubor baru dan di saksikan oleh waris waris tentera yg terkorban. Kebanyakan nya cucu tentera tu.......they came thousand miles away from home. Mat Salleh bab respect depa punya pahlawan memang kagum.'
Berita mutakhir...saya menerima berita ini melalui facebook...
Squad...Terima kasih kerana sedia memulakan projek ini, Syukur Alhamdulillah. Maka bermulalah 'Fasa ke2'...Over to you, Squad. Saya cadangkan persatuan anda turut juga menjejaki pusara penerima JPP, PTU & KPK. Untuk makluman anda, pusara wira-wira TUDM:
Pembaca...Pada 18 Sep, saya telah menghantar e-mel kepada Penerbit "Galeri Nasional"RTM 1 mencadangkan agar RTM membuat liputan terhadap isu ini. Beliau berjanji akan membacanya pada hari ini (Isnin, 20 Sep). Sama ada dipersetujui atau sebaliknya...Wallahualam!
18 September 2010 8:47:47...
Just a proposal. Would you like to take the challenge: Make a study of all the PGBs & SPs graves throughout Malaysia - especially on their state and suggest to the government to set up a Heroes Memorial such as Arlington and move all the graves to this National Memorial. I can assist you if you want.
Respons saya pada 19 September 2010 06:55...
Thank you for your proposal. Much as I like to accept your challenge, family commitments are the main constraints. As I stated in my 'coretan', I strongly feel that all those killed in 'real' actions should be buried in the 'National Heroes Memorial'. What I mean by 'real' is that those killed by the enemies and booby traps. As far as I'm concerned, those aircrew killed in aircraft crashes (not due to enemy's fire) were/are not heroes. Each recipient of the 5 Gallantry Awards is guaranteed a plot there, ie, if NOK permits.
Respons Rizal selanjutnya pada 19 September 2010 8:08:18...
I feel someone must take up the cause earnestly - rebury all the PGB and SP dead in a National Heroes War Memorial, ideally located in either KL, Terendak or PD. This could be a tourist attraction as well with its mini museum located within.
I do not know whether I have the strength and stamina to see and carry it out. It will take a couple of years of instant "fight". Let's play it by the ear and circumstances. Definitely we must have a team. No one man can do it.
Saya ambil petikan e-mel Mejar Ishak...
'...beberapa minggu yg lalui saya ada termenonton satu LIVE oleh BBC worldnews....
Kerajaan Perancis telah menjumpai sebuah kubor besar di sebuah daerah. Apabila di siasat didapati kubor itu tertanam beratus ratus tentera British, australia, NZ dan France. Mereka terkorban dan ditanam disitu semasa perang Dunia Pertama. (WW1)
Kerajaan kelima lima negara ini bersetuju membuat sebuah Pusara Pahlawan di daerah tersebut. Pada hari itu semasa saya termenonton LIVE dapat menyaksikan pembukaan rasmi pusara tersebut. Ada satu ceremony, simbolik....mayat di gali dari kubor besar dibawa dengan kereta kuda dan masukan dalam kubor baru dan di saksikan oleh waris waris tentera yg terkorban. Kebanyakan nya cucu tentera tu.......they came thousand miles away from home. Mat Salleh bab respect depa punya pahlawan memang kagum.'
Berita mutakhir...saya menerima berita ini melalui facebook...
![]() | Robert Rizal Abdullah20 September 2010 at 07:23 Subject: Heroes Memorial for PGB & SP (and whatever else) I am thinking of picking this up from where you have left. I have been contacting buddy PGB & SP holders on this. Since we have an association (PGB & SP holders), I feel we are the right people who should take up and chase the matter seriously. An initial meeting is in the offing in KL soon to thrash the matter. |
- PGB - 1 ~ Kapt (U) Choo Yeok Boo (Sg Petani)
- PTU - 3 ~ Lt Jen (U) Mohd Taib (Rantau Panjang), Lt (U) Chung Min Teck (Klian Intan) dan Sjn Leong Yee Heang (Penang)
- KPK - 2 ~ Kapt (U) Wan Munsiff (Kangar) dan Kapt (U) Mustapha Kamal (Taiping)
Pembaca...Pada 18 Sep, saya telah menghantar e-mel kepada Penerbit "Galeri Nasional"RTM 1 mencadangkan agar RTM membuat liputan terhadap isu ini. Beliau berjanji akan membacanya pada hari ini (Isnin, 20 Sep). Sama ada dipersetujui atau sebaliknya...Wallahualam!
Terkini...19 September Jam 2315. Terima panggilan telefon bagi memaklumkan bahawa pusara arwah Lt M Abdul Hamid SP telah dibersih setelah diarahkan oleh PTD. 6 RAMD juga turut mencadangkan kepada Jatawankuasa madrasah agar ditukar nama kepada Madrasah Abdul Hamid...Terpulanglah kepada mereka. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Saya difahamkan arahan ini diberi setelah PTD terbaca surat dalam 'Forum' Utusan Malaysia...bukannya terbaca e-mel yang saya hantar. Sekarang terbukti e-mel yang kurang sedap diketahui oleh Bos tidak akan membolos 'gate-keepers'. Mana mungkin Bos ada masa untuk membaca e-mel...maklumlah, mereka sibuk memikirkan keselamatan negara daripada melayan perkara remeh-temeh ini!! Pelajaran dari episod ini...Untuk mendapat respons, lebih baik menghubungi media massa. Kalau nak hantar e-mel, dapatkan alamat e-mel peribadi mereka.
Saya difahamkan arahan ini diberi setelah PTD terbaca surat dalam 'Forum' Utusan Malaysia...bukannya terbaca e-mel yang saya hantar. Sekarang terbukti e-mel yang kurang sedap diketahui oleh Bos tidak akan membolos 'gate-keepers'. Mana mungkin Bos ada masa untuk membaca e-mel...maklumlah, mereka sibuk memikirkan keselamatan negara daripada melayan perkara remeh-temeh ini!! Pelajaran dari episod ini...Untuk mendapat respons, lebih baik menghubungi media massa. Kalau nak hantar e-mel, dapatkan alamat e-mel peribadi mereka.
3 ulasan:
Thank you for your unselfish effort in highlighting the sorry state of our heroes grave. It shows the kind of attitude Malaysians generally have towards their heroes - dead or alive.
I am skeptical at the moment at what we can do but we will try our very best.
Thank you. I know YOU BOLEH! I think my approach is too undiplomatic... not to the liking of those in authority.
Agreed for all of them to be buried ar pusara pahlawan negara. I sincerely hope that the waris will allowed it as their time is also counting down. That is why pusara Arwah Lt M Abdul Hamid was left unattended. Even his mother is still around but what more can she do at the age of 95. Only the parent or the children will be maintaining the grave of the deceased as long they are still alived. Once they are gone, then everybody else will forget. Let do it like the Arlington Cemetary. They still maintain and pay respect to the grave erected in 1776. Same goes to our fallen heroes if we do it that way.
Capt (Retired)
REME Corps
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